How to Add an Ad-hoc Deduction (Payroll NZ)

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Add an Ad-hoc Deduction (Payroll NZ)

Where a last minute, one off deduction needs to be deducted from a payee's earnings and it is not practical or possible to wait until the next pay period to deduct the amount, an ad hoc deduction can be added to the list of the payee's deductions in the pay batch.

An ad hoc deduction can also be added at the Net Deductions stage of a pay batch if the deduction is to be taken from net earnings instead of gross earnings.

To add an ad-hoc deduction, follow the procedure below.

How to Add an Ad Hoc Deduction to a Payee's Gross Deductions


On the Pay Wizard – Gross Deductions screen, click the View button next to the relevant payee.

The Payee Pay Details screen opens, with the Gross Deductions section expanded.


Click Add +.

A new row is added to the list of the payee's deductions.



In the Deduction Name column, select the name of the deduction to be applied.

The deduction type is displayed in the Deduction Type column and the Source column displays Ad hoc to indicate that the deduction is a one-off deduction added manually in the pay batch. If the deduction type is Payee Super, the Fund Name column is also enabled.



If the deduction type is Payee Super, in the Fund Name column, select the name of the superannuation fund to which the deduction is to be paid.

Otherwise, skip this step.



In the Value field, key in the amount to be deducted from the payee's earnings.



In the Payee Account Reference field, key in the payment reference that identifies the source of the deduction if the party that will receive the money requires it. Otherwise, skip this step.



Click Save.

A confirmation message is displayed at the top of the screen to indicate that the ad hoc deduction has been saved successfully.



Click Exit to close the Payee Pay Details screen.

