FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Filter the Primary and Secondary Interpretation Rules by Date

To help you locate specific primary and secondary interpretation rules within a pay agreement, you can filter the rules within an agreement by specific dates.

Any rules belonging to a primary interpretation header that have a validity date that does not fall within the dates you specify will be filtered out (hidden) in the navigation pane within the Edit Pay Agreement screen. Likewise, any secondary interpretation pay code and pay rate rules that have validity end dates that do not fall within the specified date range will be filtered out.

This allows you to easily locate and concentrate on the rule(s) that you need to view or work with.

When a filter is applied, the navigation pane in the Edit Pay Agreement screen displays the total number of existing rules but will hide those that do not meet the filtering criteria. The example below shows the Primary Interpretation section of the navigation pane, which indicates that there is one set of primary interpretation rules but there is no primary interpretation header nor any primary interpretation rules listed as they have been filtered out.

To filter the primary and secondary interpretation rules by date, follow the procedure below.


Navigate to the Filter by Validity item in the Edit Pay Agreement screen.

The Filter section displays.


Click the calendar button next to the From field and use the calendar control to select the earliest validity period start date. Rules within the agreement that have a validity period end date prior to the date you specify will be hidden.

Note that this field defaults to the current date.


Click the calendar button next to the To field and use the calendar control to select the latest validity period end date. Rules within the agreement that have a validity period end date later than the date you specify will be hidden.

Alternatively, leave this field blank if you want to specify a maximum validity period end date.

Note that you can clear the filter, and therefore display all rules belonging to the agreement, by clearing the dates in the From and To fields.

