FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Currency Codes
There are many currencies used in the world but there may only be a few currencies that are relevant to your business. When operating the multi currency features of FastTrack360 you need to specify the currency codes that you are going to use. When activating a currency code, the currency code will be visible to select from a dropdown list within:
Exchange Rate Maintenance
Timesheets - Reimbursements
Other places that use currency codes will only display currency codes that have had an exchange rate applied in Exchange Rate Maintenance.
How to Activate a Currency Code
1. | In the menu on the left side of the screen, navigate to Maintenance > Currency > Currency Codes |
2. | To view all currency codes, click Search. If you know the currency code that you wish to activate, type the currency code in the currency code search and click. The codes display in the result list. | |
3. | Check the Active check box against the required currency codes. If a currency code has been used in Exchange Rate Maintenance the Active checkbox will be disabled. A currency code cannot be made inactive if it has been used. |
4. | Click Save. The Currency Codes selected are available for use. |
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