Support for Latest Generation New Zealand AOG Invoicing Contracts

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Support for Latest Generation New Zealand AOG Invoicing Contracts


A new billing fee calculation rule has been added to Billing Fee Maintenance to allow invoice billing fees to be calculated in accordance with the latest All of Government (AOG) invoicing contracts for agencies that supply staff to government agencies in New Zealand.

To facilitate this, the Rule field on the Billing > Maintenance > Billing Fees > Billing Fee Entry screen is now enabled when a new billing fee is created or when an exiting billing fee, which has no last used date, is edited. That allows one of two rules to be selected, as shown in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1: Billing Fee Entry screen - Rule Field.


The option available in the Rule field are listed and described below:





AOG Admin Fee - Pre Gen 3

This is a pre-existing rule which, prior to V12.21, was labelled AOG Admin Fee. This rule applies the following formula to calculate an invoice billing fee:

(pay amount + provider fee) x billing fee rate

AOG Admin Fee - Gen 3

This is a new rule that has been introduced to support AOG invoicing requirements under the latest Generation 3 staff procurement contracts, which commenced as of September 2023. This rule applies the following formula to calculate an invoice billing fee:

provider fee x billing fee rate


This enhancement supports applying invoice billing fees that comply with the latest New Zealand ‘Generation 3’ AOG staff procurement contracts.


Billing fees are created and maintained under Billing > Maintenance > Billing Fees.

On upgrading, the billing fee calculation rule for any billing fee created prior to upgrade automatically defaults to the AOG Admin Fee - Pre Gen 3 option. If the billing fee is yet to be used to calculate a billing fee on an invoice (i.e. the Last Used Date is blank), you can change the selection to the AOG Admin Fee - Gen 3 option if required. Otherwise, when creating a new billing fee, it is now mandatory to select one of the two available options in the Rule field.

To allow a billing fee to be printed on invoices, a Billing Fee: <billing fee rule name> field is available within the Invoice Items layout component of invoice document formats, where <billing fee rule name> is the name of a specific billing fee rule that is used by a billing fee rule that has been created under Billing > Maintenance > Billing Fees.

If you have existing invoice document formats that use the pre-existing Billing Fee: AOG Admin Fee, you will need to edit the formats to use the Billing Fee: AOG Admin Fee - Pre Gen 3 field or the Billing Fee: AOG Admin Fee - Gen 3 field depending on whether the old or the new billing fee rule needs to be applied respectively. Alternatively, you may need to create new document formats that use the new Billing Fee: AOG Admin Fee - Gen 3 field.

If your existing formats use the Billing Fee Total field but not the Billing Fee: AOG Admin Fee field, you do not need to update your existing invoice document formats.

For more information about creating and editing invoice document formats, see Document Formats.

For more information about creating and maintaining billing fees, see Billing Fee Maintenance.



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