FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Workers’ Compensation Leave
Workers’ Compensation leave is paid when a payee becomes unable to work due to a work-related injury or accident that is covered by a workers’ compensation insurance claim.
When a payee becomes unable to work, they will usually take another type of leave such as paid Personal/Carers’ leave. That is because it may take some time for the relevant insurance claim to be lodged and for the insurer to assess and approve the claim. Therefore, payment for Workers’ Compensation leave by the insurer is usually retrospective.
If payment for such leave is made retrospectively by the insurer, it is necessary to retrospectively change the paid leave type against which payment for the leave taken was originally reported (from paid leave type Other (O), for example, to paid leave type Workers’ Compensation (W).
To do that in FastTrack360, follow the process below:
In Leave > Leave Request, cancel the leave request that relates the paid period of absence that the payee took while unable to work.
Submit and approve a new leave request for the same period of absence as the original leave request. However, ensure that the Absence Type that is selected is linked to a leave type that has been configured for Workers’ Compensation leave (i.e. the Paid Leave Type selected in the header of the Leave Type is Workers’ Compensation (W)).
Process an adjustment pay batch for the period in which the leave was taken to pay the new leave request that replaces the original, cancelled leave request. Note that if the leave period was in a prior financial year, this must be a balancing payments adjustment pay batch.
Submit the STP report for the adjustment pay batch.
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