FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
STP Phase 2 Preparation Checklist
The following is a high-level checklist of tasks to prepare you for STP Phase 2 reporting.
Check | For more information see… |
Have leave types been mapped the correct paid leave type? | |
If you pay annual leave loading that compensates for the opportunity to work overtime, have you checked that the Payout deduction rules on the leave type have been configured to cash out the leave loading against a pay code type of Overtime? | |
If you pay annual leave loading that does not compensate for the opportunity to work overtime, have you checked that the Payout deduction rules on the leave type have been configured to cash out the leave loading against a pay code type of Leave? | |
Have you reviewed existing employment termination reasons to determine which ATO cessation reasons they will need to be mapped to on upgrading to STP Phase 2? | |
Have you reviewed existing taxable allowance pay codes to determine which allowances will need to be configured to be itemised in STP reporting on upgrading to STP Phase 2 and, if necessary, have you updated your pay agreement configuration to pay taxable allowances against a dedicated allowance pay code? | |
If you employ Working Holiday Makers (WHMs), have you checked that the correct passport country has been assigned to each WHM payee? | |
Have you checked that all payees who have a withholding variation have been configured with the correct variation type depending on whether their tax has been varied upwards or downwards? |
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