Interpreted Timesheet Status Change Validation Enhancements

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Interpreted Timesheet Status Change Validation Enhancements


Additional validation has been added in Interpreter > Interpreter Review and is triggered when you attempt to change the status of an interpreted timesheet so that:

  • If you attempt to change the status of an interpreted timesheet from an underlying status type of Reviewed - Pay and Bill to any other status type, if there is a subsequent interpreted adjustment timesheet for the same job order and timesheet period that currently has a status type other than Not Reviewed then it is only be possible to change the status if the target status type matches that of the adjustment timesheet.

  • If you attempt to change the status of a timesheet from an underlying status type of Reviewed - Pay Only or Reviewed - Bill Only to any other status type, if there is a subsequent interpreted adjustment timesheet for the same job order and timesheet period that currently has a status type other than Not Reviewed then it is only possible to change the status if the status type of the target status matches that of the adjustment timesheet or if the target status has a status type of Reviewed - Pay and Bill.

  • For interpreted adjustment timesheets, you can only change the status type of the timesheet if:

    • the target status type matches that of the original timesheet or the previous adjustment timesheet for the same job order/timesheet period or;

    • the status type of the original or the previous adjustment timesheet is Reviewed - Pay and Bill.

If you attempt to change the status of one or more interpreted timesheets that are selected on the Interpreter > Interpreter Review screen but the status of one or more timesheets cannot be changed due to the conditions listed above, an error message will be displayed at the top of the screen and the offending timesheet or timesheets are highlighted in red in the Results section of the screen, as shown in the example below.


If you attempt to change the status of interpreted timesheets in bulk, those timesheets for which the status change is valid will be updated to the new status irrespective of whether there are any timesheets that cannot be updated to the new status based on the conditions listed above.

If you attempt to change the status of an interpreted timesheet from the Interpreter > Interpreter Review > Interpreted Timesheet Details screen but the status cannot be updated due to the conditions listed above, an error message will be displayed at the top of the screen, as shown in the next example.


This enhancement ensures that the status of an interpreted timesheet cannot be changed if it could result in an interpreted adjustment timesheet being paid and/or billed before the original timesheet or a prior adjustment timesheet for the same job order and timesheet period.

For example, the new validation prevents an interpreted adjustment timesheet from being set to a status with an underlying status type of Reviewed - Pay and Bill, which would allow the adjustment timesheet to be paid and billed, if the current status of the original interpreted timesheet has an underlying status type Not Reviewed, Reviewed - Pay Only or Reviewed - Bill Only.


No configuration required.

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