How to Find Existing Holiday Rules

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Find Existing Holiday Rules

Existing holiday rule records that have been configured in the system can be listed in the Holiday Rule List screen, from which you can open existing holiday rule records for viewing and editing.

To list existing holiday rules in the Holiday Rule List screen, follow the procedure below.


If not already open, navigate to Rates & Rules > Maintenance > Holiday Rule.

The Maintenance area opens.



To list all existing holiday rules belonging to the country to which you are assigned, click Search.

Alternatively, if you want to list only those holiday rules that match specific criteria, type/select the relevant search criteria in the search section of the screen and then click Search.

Start Date

Validity period start date of the holiday rule. To search for only those holiday rules that become valid on or after a certain date, click next to this field and select a valid date.

End Date

Validity period end date of the holiday rule. To search for only those holiday rules that expire on or before a certain date, click the calendar button next to this field and select a valid date.

Holiday Rule Name

Name of the holiday rule. To find a specific holiday rule by name, type the rule name in this field.

Holiday Type

Holiday type to which the holiday rule corresponds. This defaults to Any Holiday Type, thereby allowing you to list holiday rules regardless of the holiday type to which they are linked. To search for holiday rules by a specific holiday type, select the relevant holiday type in this field.


Country to which the holiday rule belongs. This field defaults to the country to which you are assigned. To search for holiday rules belonging to another country, select the relevant country in this field. Alternatively, select Any Country to list holiday rules regardless of the country to which they belong.

Hierarchy Level

Agreement hierarchy level to which the holiday rule belongs.

Hierarchy Value

Agreement hierarchy value that applies to the holiday rule. To search for holiday rules by a specific hierarchy value, click in the select button to find and select the relevant hierarchy value. Note that this field is enabled only if an option is selected first in the Hierarchy Level field.

The screen lists all existing holiday rules belonging to the country to which you are assigned or, if you specified search criteria, the screen lists those existing holiday rules that match the criteria you specified.

You can open any holiday rule that is listed within the Holiday Rule List screen in order to view or edit the holiday rule by clicking the view / edit button next to the relevant holiday rule within the list.
