FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Creation Date Field for Payslip and Proforma Remittance Document Formats
A field called Creation Date is now available in Maintenance > Document Designer > Document Formats for proforma remittance and payslip documents. This new field outputs the date that a proforma remittance or payslip document was generated.
The Creation Date field is available within the list of database fields that can be added to the Proforma Header and Payslip Header Details layout component of a proforma remittance and payslip document format respectively.
This enhancement allows proforma remittance and payslip formats to be configured to meet the statutory requirements for contractor self-bill invoices, which require the date of issue to be printed on the document.
The Creation Date proforma remittance and payslip field will not be added to existing document formats by default; the field must be added to proforma remittance and payslip formats manually, if required.
For more information about how to edit document formats, see Configuring Document Formats.