FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Payroll Reporting (Payroll NZ)
The Portal > Pay module provides a number of reports that allow payroll staff to report on payroll related information. These reports can be run independently of the pay batch process to report on payroll related data across pay batches and pay periods or they can be run during the pay batch process. For more information, see How to Run a Payroll Report.
The payroll reports can also be run during each stage of the pay batch process. Where a report becomes relevant to a given pay batch stage, that payroll report can be run at that pay batch stage. For example, the GST report can be run at the GST pay batch stage and each subsequent pay batch stage. For more information, see Using the Pay Wizard.
The following payroll reports are available:
Report Name | Description |
ACC Employer Levy Liability | Reports on the ACC employer levy liabilities by pay company and ACC industry code. For each pay company and ACC industry code, the report shows a list of the payees whose earnings are linked to the corresponding industry code, their total earnings that are liable for the ACC employer levy and the ACC employer levy premium that is payable on those earnings. |
Accrued Leave Balance Report | Reports leave accrual and entitlement balances by leave type and payee. The report shows the following information for each leave type that is included on the report:
This report references leave transactions that are pay batch based only. For example, the leave entitlement balance for a given leave type will only be inclusive of leave that accrued and was transferred into entitlement because of processing a pay batch. Leave can also be configured such that the accrual, transfer of accrual into entitlement and the resetting of entitlement balances can be triggered by the Leave Service. Such transactions are not factored into the amounts shown on this report. A version of this report is also available in the Leave module and that version of the report is inclusive of pay batch and Leave Service based transactions.
2 x ((32.50 + 35.95)/2) = $68.45 If the following week another 2 hours is accrued and the accrual is triggered by pay code Y and pay code Z, which has a pay rate of $33.00 per hour, the accrual cost for the second week would be: 2 x ((35.95+33.00)/2) = $68.95 Therefore, the combined cost of the leave accrued at the end of the second week, assuming no leave had been taken or paid out in the interim, would be as follows: 68.45 + 68.95 = $137.40 Note that when leave is paid when taken, the resulting reduction in the accrual cost balance is calculated using the accrual rate. But when leave is cashed out or paid out at termination, the resulting reduction in the accrual cost balance is calculated using the leave rate type that is used by the leave deduction rule that triggers the payment. For example, in the scenario described above if the payee takes 2 hours leave after the second week of accrual, the accrual cost balance would be recalculated as follows: $137.40 - (2 x ((32.50 + 35.95)/2)) = $68.95 However, if the payee were to cash out the two hours of leave instead of taking the leave and the applicable leave deduction rule that triggers the payment uses the payee rate, where the payee's rate is $33.55, the accrual cost balance would be recalculated as follows: $137.40 - (2 x $33.55) = $70.30 Note also that manual adjustments to automatic leave payments in a pay batch can also affect the accrual cost balance calculation. For example, if the accrual quantity is adjusted the adjusted hours are assigned a rate that is equivalent to the rate of the automatic payment which, unless the automatic payment has been made using a FIFO rate, may not match the rate of the original accrual. That is because if there is a difference between the number of hours originally accrued and the number of hours paid as a result of the adjustment, the system cannot determine an original accrual rate for the adjusted hours and therefore defaults to using the payment rate to calculate to resulting reduction in the accrual cost balance. If the report is run as a pay batch report, it is important to remember that at the Banked Leave Accruals stage the system accrues leave types that have an apply to type of Hours with Wage only. All other leave types do not accrue until the next pay batch stage, which is Leave Accruals. Therefore, when the report is run at the Banked Leave Accruals stage it does not factor in any accruals that will happen at the Leave Accruals stage. However, when the report is run at the Leave Accruals stage or any subsequent pay batch stage, the report factors in leave accruals from the Banked Leave Accruals and Leave Accruals pay batch stages. When the report is run as a pay batch report, the entitlement balance shown on the report is inclusive of entitlement taken in the current pay batch (i.e. is equivalent to Entitlement Balance minus Entitlement Taken in Batch as shown in the Payee Pay Details in the pay batch). |
Distribution of Funds | Reports on the earning and deduction amounts that need to be paid into various accounts as a result of processing one or more pay batches. |
GST | Reports on payees who are registered for GST and the GST liability for each of those payees. |
KiwiSaver Contributions Report | Reports on a pay company's KiwiSaver contributions liability, including employer and payee contributions and employer superannuation contributions tax (ESCT) that is payable on the contributions, |
Negative Pay Total | Reports on payees who had a negative pay total in one or more pay batches. |
Pay Oncost Report | Reports oncosts incurred as a result of paying earnings in one or more pay batches. This report includes oncosts that are configured in Portal > Rates and Rules > Maintenance > Oncost only. It does not include costs calculated at the Wage Costs stage of the pay batch process such as superannuation, payroll tax, and WorkCover. |
Payee Payroll – By Client | Reports the gross and net pay of payees who were paid in one or more pay batches. |
Payee Payroll - Detailed | Reports the gross pay, gross deductions, net pay and net deductions of payees paid in one or more pay batches. The gross pay amount shown on this report is inclusive of reimbursements and taxable and non-taxable allowances. The taxable income amount shown on this report is inclusive of all gross payments except the following:
The tax amount shown in this report is inclusive of the following:
This report can be used in conjunction with the STP Pay Batch and STP EOFY Batch pre-submission and post-submission reports to aid with periodic and end of financial year reconciliation. For more information, see Viewing the STP Pay Batch Reports and Viewing the STP EOFY Submission Reports. |
Payee Payroll - Summary | Reports the gross pay, gross deductions, net pay and net deductions of payees paid in one or more pay batches. The gross pay amount shown on this report is inclusive of reimbursements and taxable and non-taxable allowances. The tax amount shown in this report is inclusive of the following:
This report can be used in conjunction with the STP Pay Batch and STP EOFY Batch pre-submission and post-submission reports to aid with periodic and end of financial year reconciliation. For more information, see Viewing the STP Pay Batch Reports and Viewing the STP EOFY Submission Reports. |
Reimbursement | Reports reimbursements paid to payees in one or more pay batches, broken down by payee, batch number and reimbursement pay code. |
Terminated Payees Report | Reports the following:
Deductions | Reports on deductions withheld from payees' earnings in one or more pay batches including:
Payment Method | Reports on the payment method applicable to payees within a pay batch and allows payroll staff to identify which payees must be issued cash or cheques. |
Unpaid Leave | Reports instances of leave that was processed in a pay batch but was unpaid. The report shows the following:
A leave request can be unpaid due to multiple conditions not being met. Where this is the case, the report will show the first condition on the applicable Leave Taken deduction rule that is deemed to have failed when the system attempts to find an applicable Leave Taken deduction rule. |
See also in this section: