Each response entry within a questionnaire log can be expanded to view any information, warning and error messages. To expand a response, clicknext to the response ID. The example below shows an example of an error message.
Click here to see descriptions of the columns of information that are displayed for information, warning and error messages.
Page Display Code
If the error, warning or information relates to a specific page of a questionnaire, the page display code of the relevant questionnaire page is displayed in this column. In the example above, an error has occurred that relates to the questionnaire page identified by the display code Default Sweden-8.
If the error, warning or information does not relate to a specific questionnaire page, this column is blank.
Question Mapping
If the error, warning or information displayed relates to a specific mapped field in the database, the name of the relevant database field is displayed in this column. In the example above, a warning has occurred that relates to the Resume (attachment) field.
If the error, warning or information does not relate to a specific mapped database field, this column is blank.
Displays a message explaining the reason for the error, warning or information. In the second example above, the Warning table shows a message that explains that the location that the candidate's resume could not be copied to the resume import path because the candidate's resume already exists in the system.