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Here are our top features split across the main modules in front and back office:

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API Consumers - there are enhancements/defects you should be aware of. Click here to read breaking changes. We recommend you log into the API Developer’s Portal to get full details of any changes to APIs.

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  • Adjustment Only Setting - Client Record. Click here to read more.

  • Adjustment Only Setting - Job / Job Template Record.

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  • We have added a new field in the timesheet to display an Alternative Timesheet Id. This item is available for Timesheet Import and API calls. Click here to read more.

  • New Manage Layout items:

    • A new item ‘Adjustment Only Original Header’ is available to the Historical Tab to indicate if the header is an original Adjustment Only item. Click here

to read
    • for more.

    • A new item ‘Adj. Target TS’ is also available in the Historical Tab to display the value of the timesheet that the adjustment timesheet has targeted. Click here to read more.

  • Timesheet Import changes:

    • To save time you can now import multiple adjustment timesheets for the same job and week ending date to support data import from a third party VMS (vendor management system). Click here to read more.

    • You can now create new Standard Rate Sets or

    • Supersede Rate Values via import to support data import from a third party VMS system. Use the import tool to add in additional Standard Rate sets into the Job Order

- alternatively where you require supplementary rate values (different to what is on the job)Image Removed

Client raised enhancements completed:


Enhancement No


E-00000502, E-00000526, E-00000559, E-00001103, E-00001192

Pay Process > Pay Batch > GST/VAT Stage - We have added the ability to adjust GST/VAT in the pay process. Click here for more details on this enhancement.


Time & Attendance > In Email Timesheet Approval - The message displayed where the timesheet cannot be actioned is not clear as to why the action cannot be completed. We have made some changes to provide messages that provide more information as to why an action cannot be completed. Click here for more details on this enhancement.

E-00000274; E-00000949; E-00000934; E-00001494

Payroll > Reports > Payee Payroll Summary Report / Payee Payroll Detail Report / Payee Payroll Report - By Client show the batch number, but not the week ending date or the payment date.  In this release we have added in the Week Ending Date and the Payment Date. Click here for more details on this enhancement. 

E-00000196; E-00000240; E-00000556; E-00000912, E-00000941; E-00001287; E-00000662

Job Order > Bulk Update feature. Provides the ability to select multiple jobs requiring update, select the element(s) that need to be changed, and run the update. Click here to read more.

E-00000900; E-00001224; E-00001460

Rates & Rules > Ability to rename a released agreement. Click here
    • and where Pay Codes exist in the job you can also use import to supersede the rate values in the job. Superseded rate values will not be added to the job, however will apply in the interpreter. Click here to read more.

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  • Monitoring of National Minimum Wage. Click here to read more.

  • Output of pension membership and contributions for the pension provider The People’s Pension. Click here to read more.

  • Import of pension opt outs - This will allow the automatic application of opt outs from files received from NEST or NOW:Pension provider. Click here to read more.

  • Accrual cost rate - This can now be based on an average of the previous 52 weeks by applying a new configuration setting. Click here to read more.

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  • Release Interpreted Timesheets for Billing out of order - Rules to ensure that users cannot release adjustment timesheets for billing, prior to their related parent (target) original/adjustment have been relaxed. This will allow an adjustment timesheet to be picked up in an invoice batch and billed before the original timesheet if your client requires billing out of sequence. Click to read more.

  • Invoice Timesheet Grouping by Timesheet Id - You can now group timesheet-based invoices and credit notes based on the unique timesheet ID. Click to read more.

Other features in this release:

In addition to the items above, you will also receive improvements briefly described below. 



Recruitment Manager > Search Jobs

Where job order search results exceed 20 records, unable to select jobs from multiple pages.

Recruitment Manager > Jobs

If an Agreement has a Pay Rate Rule with Hierarchy Level = Payee, the rate is no longer displaying in Jobs filled with the Payee. This occurs for both Pay and Bill Agreements.

Recruitment Manager > Job Template

Unable to edit Standard Rates if there is a rate set with a Start Date prior to the current date.

Recruitment Manager > Job Template

Unable to add Standard Rates with a Start Date prior to the default date.

Time & Attendance > Timesheets

Mobile Timesheet display issues:

  • Using a Mobile Device

    • Start & End Times aren’t displaying.

    • Unable to view/edit Break Items and Project Items as they don’t expand when clicking the expand arrow

  • Using a PC

    • Where the job doesn’t have a schedule, the Start & End Times are defaulted to 00:00

Pay Module

Unable to terminate a Payee in a pay batch due as an oops error now occurs where Terminate Payee is selected.

Pay Module

The YTD withholding tax amount on payslips generated after the V12.18 upgrade is incorrect. It’s only showing the current pay batch total, not YTD.

Pay Module

In some instances, when adding or editing a Payee recird, the GrossPayPayeeTypeNo is incorrectly set to 1 for AU, NZ & UK Payees. This causes an error when submitting a job to advise there is an issue matching to the Payee record.

Pay Module

Where a Payslip document format includes Payment Details (i.e. BSB, Account Number fields), and the Payee’s Payment Method is set to EFT, the Payee’s bank account details are not populating on payslips.

Pay Module

Unable to preview or email a payslip for some Payees/Pay Batches due to an error occurring. This appears to only affect payslips for adjustment batches where:

  • The Payee’s validity period used for the adjustment pay batch has an end date AND

  • That end date is before the Pay Period End Date.

Billing Module

If an invoice that hasn’t yet been flagged as delivered is emailed using Email Debtor and ‘Flag as delivered’ is left ticked, the invoice is not flagged as delivered.

Billing Module

The credit Note button in Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes no longer displays.


Short Description

Front Office

Back Office

Supplied Payees

New Security Permission for Supplier Records

A new Security Permission has been created to provide users with the ability to configure Supplier Records. Click here for more details.


Supplied Payees / Contractor Payment Terms (12.17)

Email Template for Proforma Remittance Delivery

Email Templates can now be configured for Proforma Remittance advice documents to be attached to. Click here for more details.


Supplied Payees

Email Template for Supplied Payee Payslip Delivery

In this release Email Templates can now be configured to support the delivery of Supplied Payee payslips via email. Click here for more details.


Supplied Payees

Maintenance > Document Designer - Payslip Template for Supplier

To support the introduction of the Supplied Payee feature a consolidated remittance payslip can now be configured for Suppliers. Click here for more details.


Candidate Record - Ability to change the Candidate’s ‘Security Role’.

In a Candidate Record you will now be able to change the Security Role from the default role. Click here for more details.


Job Order Record - Changes to Payee Tax Type Setting

To support the ability to have multiple Payees with the same Tax Type but different Payee Types, changes have been made to a Job Order / Job Template to provide transparency on Tax Type / Payee Types for the Payee Tax Type setting. Click here for more details.


Job Order Record - Changes to Submit to Timesheet

To support the ability to have multiple Payees with the same Tax Type but different Payee Types, changes have been made to the Submit to Timesheet process. Click here for more details.


Supplied Payees

Interpreter Review - Proforma Remittance Id

The concept of Proforma Remittance was introduced in the 12.17 release. This document can also be generated for Supplied Payees. In this release changes have been made to support superseded Proforma Remittance documents. Click here for more details.


🇦🇺 Include non-taxable allowances in STP reporting

Non-taxable allowance pay codes can now be flagged for inclusion in Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting. Click here for more details.


🇳🇿 Update Payday Filing authentication credentials

You can now change the username and password that FastTrack360 uses to interact with the New Zealand IRD even if the current credentials are still valid. Click here for more details.


🇳🇿 Submit Payday Filing Returns for negative adjustments

A Payday Filing Return is now created when the only transaction in a pay batch is a negative adjustment. Click here for more details.


🇦🇺 Relaxation of Tax File Number validation

It is now possible to create multiple Payee records that are linked to the same pay company and have the same Tax File Number. Click here for more details.


Oncost screen loading performance improvements

The time required to open and load information on the Oncost Entry screen has been significantly improved. Click here for more details.


12.18 Hotfix 1 Items

Please find a list below containing items that will be addressed in the 12.18 Hotfix 1 release:

Time & Attendance - New Validations when Changing Status.

New validations have been added in Time & Attendance when changing the status of Timesheets. As we now allow multiple adjustment timesheets for the same job and weekending date to be imported, validations have been added to ensure all of these related timesheets are actioned at the same time so they are not orphaned from their parent/child timesheet. Click here to read more.


Time & Attendance - Confirmation message for in-timesheet approval.

A confirmation message is now displayed when the Approve or Reject action is triggered from an in-email timesheet approval notification so as to prevent automated email scanning software inadvertently triggering the approval or rejection of a timesheet. Click here to read more.


Interpreter Review - Alternative Timesheet Id.

The new timesheet value for ‘Alt. Timesheet Id’ has been made available to view in an interpreted timesheet. Click here to read more.


Interpreter Review - Ability to edit an Adjustment Timesheet prior to the release of the Parent (target) Timesheet.

Currently users are not able to edit an adjustment timesheet, where its target (parent) timesheet is still in an unreleased state (Not Reviewed) in the interpreter. This rule has been relaxed in this release to support you where the related adjustment timesheet needs changes. Click here to read more.


Interpreter Review - Change to Search defaults for Week Ending Date

To provide you with a better experience when changing the Status from ‘Not Reviewed’ to any other status, we will automatically insert the value of the ‘Week Ending From’ date based on the default value of the ‘Week Ending To’ date less 12 months. Click here to read more.


Leave > Accrual Rule - New setting to provide the ability to determine how the hourly cost rate is calculated.

The holiday pay rate in the UK is based on the average of 52 weeks of earnings and hours. Current functionality calculates the cost rate based on the pay batch gross pay value / the pay batch quantity, as such the hourly rate would be different to the true cost rate if all holiday pay was to be paid in that period.

A new setting has been added to the Leave Accrual Rule to provide the ability for the system to determine the hourly cost rate where this needs to differ from the current strategy. Click here to read more.


Rates & Rules > Pay Code - New values to identify basic pay rate and the pay codes to be used as worked time to comply with National Minimum Wage requirements.

To determine National Minimum Wage, new items have been added to the Pay Code setting to help determine which pay codes are used to identify a payee’s basic pay rate and which pay codes hours are used as worked time to be included in the total hours. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Pay Batch - Cost Of Accrual determination.

Where you configure a leave type with the Cost Rate Type (described above), the system will use the Average Rate to determine the hourly cost rate in the pay process. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Payee - Leave Year Reset defect fix.

The payee screen shows the payee’s current entitlement and total cost accrual. When the leave year is reset, the cost accrual was not resetting to zero. FastTrack360 has now been amended to reset the cost accrual when the leave year is reset. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Pay Process > Pension Management - Import of Opt Outs

Where customers have NEST or NOW:Pensions as their pension provider, you can now import the opt out requests to apply automatically to those payees opt out of auto enrolment. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Pay Process - New National Minimum Wage Stage

You can now monitor if your payees are in breach of National Minimum Wage levels where National Minimum Wage has been enabled via a new stage ‘National Minimum Wage’ in the Pay Process. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Maintenance > Deduction Headers - New National Minimum Wage Setting

You can now flag a Deduction Header as ‘Affects NMW’ if the deduction, like an Admin Fee for administering an AEO, needs to be considered where the payee falls below the NMW. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > Reports - New Report for NMW monitoring.

A report to output a payee who is monitored for NMW their NMW status. The report can be filtered to show those payees who have had a breach or all monitored payees NMW status. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > HMRC Message Portal - Additional Search Filters

You can now use additional filters for Brand, Region and Office to assist when searching for incoming forms that have been matched to payees within FastTrack360. Click here to read more.


Payroll UK > HMRC Message Portal - Automatic matching of Payee

When forms are received from HMRC, a matching process occurs where a HMRC Works Number has been supplied. First the Payee Identifier is checked and where this is not successful, the NI Number. This can cause incorrect matches where the Payee also has a Contractor record. A change has been made to remove the risk of a match occurring to a Contractor record. Click here to read more.


Billing > Debtor > Invoice Details - New Data Group to Group by Timesheet Id

You will now be able to group timesheet-based invoices and credit notes by the timesheet Id where individual billing items are required per timesheet. Click here to read more.