Ref No | Description | NA | OK | Not OK | OK After Correction | Review Date | Feedback |
B001 | Create Invoice Batch: Navigate to Billing > Invoice Batch. Search for a time group. Check that using the Billing > Invoice Batch screen you can search for time groups and create an invoice batch successfully. | ||||||
B002 | Check that using the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen you can search for open and closed invoices/credit notes successfully, view the details and preview the invoices/credit notes that are listed in the results section of the screen after a successful search. | ||||||
B003 | Check that you can create a manual invoice/credit note using the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen. | ||||||
B004 | Check that using the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen you can search for a closed, non-timesheet based invoice and then raise a manual credit note against that invoice. | ||||||
B005 | Check that using the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen you can search for and display a closed invoice and use the Assign/Change Purchase Order option to assign or change the purchase order assignment of individual invoice items on the closed invoice. | ||||||
B006 | Check that an existing, closed invoice can be credited and rebilled by processing a Credit Rebill batch under Billing > Manage Credit Rebill. | ||||||
B007 | Check that you can search for, preview and print/email invoices and credit notes from the Billing > Manage Delivery screen. | ||||||
B008 | Check that via the Billing > Invoice Log screen you can search for and list instances of invoices/credit notes having been printed and emailed. | ||||||
B009 | Check that under Billing > Debtor you can search for and open/edit existing debtor records. | ||||||
B0010 | Check that under Billing > Reports you can successfully run the available billing reports. | ||||||
B0011 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Taxation you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0012 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Time Group you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0013 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Terms you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0014 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Messages you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0015 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Billing Fees you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0016 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Oncost Groups you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0017 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Billing Company you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0018 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Purchase Orders > Bill Code Groups you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. | ||||||
B0019 | Check that under Billing > Maintenance > Purchase Orders > Alert Templates you can search for and open records and check that the records display correctly. |
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