Ref No | Description | NA | OK | Not OK | OK After Correction | Review Date | Feedback |
TA001 | Check that you can search for and list timesheets, which are yet to be keyed, for job orders that have been submitted to timesheet under Time and Attendance > Timesheets > Available. | ||||||
TA002 | Check that you can open a timesheet that is listed under Time and Attendance > Timesheets > Available, key the timesheet and save it without submitting for approval. | ||||||
TA003 | Check that you can open a timesheet that is listed under Time and Attendance > Timesheets > Available, key the timesheet and submit it for approval. | ||||||
TA004 | Check that when an available timesheet is keyed and saved that the timesheet can be accessed under Time and Attendance > Timesheets > Incomplete. | ||||||
TA005 | Check that when an available timesheet is keyed and submitted for approval that the timesheet can be accessed by a relevant approver under Time and Attendance > Timesheets > Submitted. | ||||||
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