Ref No | Description | NA | OK | Not OK | OK After Correction | Review Date | Feedback |
B001 | Create Invoice Batch: Navigate to Billing > Invoice Batch. Search for a time group - a list of time groups should display in the results section of the screen. Click the View button next to a time group - a list of debtors who are linked to the time group should be displayed. Click the View button next to a debtor - a list of the timesheets linked to the debtor should be displayed. Check that you can Filter the list of the debtors timesheets by type and stage - the list of timesheets should update according to the filtering options that you select. Close the list of timesheets, select one or more debtors within a who are linked to the time group and click Create Invoice Batch - you should be able to successfully create an invoice batch to invoice the selected debtors’ debtors' timesheets.
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B002 | Find & preview existing invoices: Navigate to the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen. In the search section of the screen, key/select some invoice search criteria and search for existing invoices/credit notes - existing invoices. Check that you can select an invoice in the results section of the screen and click Preview to display /credit notes that match your search criteria should be listed in the results section of the screen. Next to any of the invoices/credit notes listed in the results section, click the View button - the details of the invoice/credit note should be displayed in the Invoice/Credit View screen. Close the Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen. In the result section of the Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen tick an invoice/credit note and click Preview - a preview of the selected invoice/credit note should be displayed.
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B003 | Create a manual invoice/credit note: Navigate to the Billing > Manage Invoices/Credit Notes screen. Click Add > Invoice or Add >Credit Note - The Invoice/Credit Note Entry screen should open. Search for and select the Debtor and Billing Company. Add one or more invoice/credit items to the invoice. Close the invoice/credit note - the manual invoice/credit note should be created successfully.
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B004 | Credit an existing invoice: | | | | | | |
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