Item No. | Module | Description | Resolution |
AV-1481 | Maintenance | We created a Custom Field of a ‘Numeric' type, however where the item displayed in Recruitment Manager, users could not enter a decimal value in the numeric field. | This item has been fixed. Now if a Custom Field is configured of type ‘Numeric’, when the field displays in a Recruitment Manager record, users can enter in decimal values. |
CY-879 | Job Order | In a Job or Job Template, in the Rates section, the ‘View Rates As At’ date was changed by a user, on occasion the correct rates did not display. | This issue has been resolved. Now where selecting ‘View Rates As At’ in a Job or Job Template’s rates, the correct rates display as per the date applied. |
CY-3490 | Maintenance | In the User record, the item for ‘Agency Type’ a user was unable to apply multiple values. | This problem has been fixed. Now in Maintenance > User when in edit mode, the ‘Agency Type’ field is a multi-select item and multiple values can be selected if required. |
CY-3470 | Recruitment Manager | When Bulk Action was used to update several Job Orders, the Employee Benefits were removed from the jobs which resulted in this not being calculated in the pay batch. | This item has been resolved. Now where Bulk Action - Update Job is run, Employee Benefits are maintained in the job and will be calculated in the pay batch as required. |
CY-3484 | Candidate | When a user was adding a new skill in a Candidate record, not all available skills displayed in the list. | This defect has been fixed. Now when adding skills to a Candidate, in the skills list, all available skills are listed as per the filter criterion applied. |
CY-3456 | Time & Attendance | In Mobile Timesheets, when Week Ending Date To/From was entered, the timesheets did not filter as per the dates. | This problem has been resolved. No in Mobile Timesheets, a Default Week Ending date will apply, which will filter the list of timesheets. Where Week Ending To/From dates are entered, the list will filter as per the dates applied. |
CY-3360 | Job Template | When opening a Job Template, multiple pay/bill sections are displayed. | This issue has been fixed. Now when opening a Job Template, only one Pay Bill section is displayed as expected. |
CY-922 | Interpreter Review | An import file for Interpreter Review Import, had a Pay and Bill Rate to 5 decimal places, however when it was imported the value in the interpreted timesheet was truncated to 2 decimal places. | This defect has been resolved. Now when using Interpreter Review Import, rates imported with greater than 2 decimal places are not truncated and will display as per the import in the related timesheet in Interpreter Review. |
CY-3080 | Maintenance | A user deleted a Job Template and a Custom Field for a Billing Company and related invoice was deleted. | This issue has been fixed. Now where a Job Template is deleted, this will have no impact to Custom Fields in the product. |
CY-2786 | Maintenance | In the Service item, a user was adding a new Service however they Job Type field was not editable and displayed as ‘Permanent’. The Service was still available to all Job Types. | This defect has been fixed. Now where a user adds a new Service in Maintenance, the Job Type field is editable. This value will default to ‘All’ and can be changed to a different job type where the Service has not been assigned to a Job. Once the service has been assigned to a Job the Job Type cannot be changed and a warning will display. On upgrade all existing Service Job Types values will be changed to ‘All’. When applying a Service to a Job, the list of Service/Product Items will filter to display items available to the Job Type and ‘All’. |
CY-3371 | Maintenance | When copying a User, the ‘User Type’ dropdown values were blank so we could not select the required ‘User Type’ for the record and this is a mandatory field. | This item has been resolved. Now when a User is copied, the ‘User Type’ values are populated so a value can be selected in this mandatory field. |
CY-3394 | Finance Integration | When searching for FI Export Batches in the Export screen, the ‘Export Batch’ button is greyed out so can’t be selected. We can select it if at least one of the totals is not 0.00. | This defect has been fixed. Now in the FI Export screen where the search result has returned batches, when the batch is selected the ‘Export Batch’ action can be selected. |
CY-3425 | Pay | A Payee that had multiple bank accounts with the same account number was paid, in the Payslip ‘Payment Details’ was duplicated (double the actual amount). | This issue has been resolved. Now where a Payee has multiple bank accounts with the same Account Number as the default bank account, the Payslip’s ‘Payment Details’ are not duplicated. |
CY-3415 | Recruitment Manager | A user was unable to generate a resume in a Candidate record. A popup displayed ‘Generate Resume’ with a Cancel action but there were no options available to select. | This item has been fixed. Now when generating a resume in a Candidate record, if the file name already exists, a pop up displays to advise ‘File Name <<filename>> already exists.’ With options to ‘Replace File’ or ‘Save file with a different name. The user can then select the option required and then click on ‘Ok’ to generate the resume. |
CY-3396 | Recruitment Manager | A user used ‘Quick Access’ in the Candidate record to navigate to the ‘Preferences and Exclusions’ section. The user then tried to expand the section however no details displayed. | This issue has been resolved. Now when navigating via Quick Access in the Candidate record to the ‘Preferences and Exclusions’ section, when the section is expanded, the details display in the list as expected. |
CY-3407 | Recruitment Manager | We added an activity to a Candidate record (there were no other activities), however the default details did not appear on the ‘Add Activity’ screen and the drop down items were missing. | This defect has been fixed. Now when you add the first activity to a Candidate record, in the ‘Add Activity’ screen the default items populate and the drop down items are available for selection. |
FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help