Item No. | Module | Description | Resolution |
AV-1481 | Maintenance | We created a Custom Field of a ‘Numeric' type, however where the item displayed in Recruitment Manager, users could not enter a decimal value in the numeric field. | This item has been fixed. Now where a Custom Field is configured of type ‘Numeric’, where the field displays in a Recruitment Manager record, users can enter in decimal values. |
CY-879 | Job Order | In a Job or Job Template, in the Rates section, the ‘View Rates As At’ date was changed by a user, on occasion the correct rates did not display. | This issue has been resolved. Now where selecting ‘View Rates As At’ in a Job or Job Template’s rates, the correct rates display as per the date applied. |
CY-3490 | Maintenance | In the User record, the item for ‘Agency Type’ a user was unable to apply multiple values. | This problem has been fixed. Now in Maintenance > User when in edit mode, the ‘Agency Type’ field is a multi-select item and multiple values can be selected if required. |
CY-3470 | Recruitment Manager | When Bulk Action was used to update several Job Orders, the Employee Benefits were removed from the jobs which resulted in this not being calculated in the pay batch. | This item has been resolved. Now where Bulk Action - Update Job is run, Employee Benefits are maintained in the job and will be calculated in the pay batch as required. |
CY-3484 | Candidate | When a user was adding a new skill in a Candidate record, not all available skills displayed in the list. | This defect has been fixed. Now when adding skills to a Candidate, in the skills list, all available skills are listed as per the filter criterion applied. |
CY-3456 | Time & Attendance | In Mobile Timesheets, when Week Ending Date To/From was entered, the timesheets did not filter as per the dates. | This problem has been resolved. No in Mobile Timesheets, a Default Week Ending date will apply, which will filter the list of timesheets. Where Week Ending To/From dates are entered, the list will filter as per the dates applied. |
CY-3360 | Job Template | When opening a Job Template, multiple pay/bill sections are displayed. | This issue has been fixed. Now when opening a Job Template, only one Pay Bill section is displayed as expected. |
CY-922 | Interpreter Review | An import file for Interpreter Review Import, had a Pay and Bill Rate to 5 decimal places, however when it was imported the value in the interpreted timesheet was truncated to 2 decimal places. | This defect has been resolved. Now when using Interpreter Review Import, rates imported with greater than 2 decimal places are not truncated and will display as per the import in the related timesheet in Interpreter Review. |
CY-3080 | Maintenance | A user deleted a Job Template and a Custom Field for a Billing Company and related invoice was deleted. | This issue has been fixed. Now where a Job Template is deleted, this will have no impact to Custom Fields in the product. |
CY-2786 | Maintenance | In the Service item, a user was adding a new Service however they Job Type field was not editable and displayed as ‘Permanent’. The Service was still available to all Job Types. | This defect has been fixed. Now where a user adds a new Service in Maintenance, the Job Type field is editable. This value will default to ‘All’ and can be changed to a different job type where the Service has not been assigned to a Job. Once the service has been assigned to a Job the Job Type cannot be changed and a warning will display. On upgrade all existing Service Job Types values will be changed to ‘All’. When applying a Service to a Job, the list of Service/Product Items will filter to display items available to the Job Type and ‘All’. |
FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help