When a payee becomes a member of a pension scheme, and the record is sent to the pension provider, the pension provider always requires an identifier of that payee from the payroll system so that any data that is then sent to them will use that identifier.
When employers move payroll systems, the pension identifier would also need to be transferred for continuity purposes. Providers may have limited functionality to update the original reference number.
As FastTrack360 uses a payroll identifier that is unique to the system, it is expected that the employer will populate the pension reference number field on the payee record with the original pension identifier at the point of migration.
Any outputs sent to the provider via the Pension Management screen will use the payee pension reference.
The enhancement that has been made to the system is where a payee is auto enrolled into a scheme or they are in a scheme and the Payee Pension Reference is blank, it will update the Payee Pension Reference when the pay batch is closed.
The Payee Pension Reference can be updated to another value after the fact, if desired.
To allow for legacy reference numbers to be transferred from one payroll system to another.
To avoid confusion as to which reference number will be used in the output sent to the provider.
The employer should update the Payee Pension Reference field with the data from their previous payroll system if a different reference should be maintained.