Creating a new pay company is a multi-stage process that involves the following stages: adding a new pay company record and keying in the header details.
keying in the pay company contact details. keying in the pay company payslip details.
keying in the pay company banking details. creating one or more office links
keying in values for any mandatory pay company custom fields, if applicable saving the pay company record.
Each of these stages is described below.
Once the pay company record has been created and saved, it is possible to add or modify various attributes of the pay company, including the following:
the superannuation funds to which the pay company will pay superannuation contributions (for Australia only)
the pay company's employer numbers for each scheme administrator to which the pay company pays employee benefits (for Australia only)
the default settings that will apply to payees employed by the pay company
the account numbers to which financial data pertaining to the pay company will be mapped in a third-party finance system.
For more information, see How to Edit an Existing Pay Company.
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