The Create Invoice Batch screen consists of the following sections:
a search header allowing you to specify the search criteria for finding the invoice batch groups to be included in the invoice batch
a search results list that lists the invoice batch groups matching your search criteria
a footer at the bottom of the screen where you can select the invoicing date and can invoke the creation of the invoice batch.
The following components are displayed in the search header of the screen:
Billing country for which the invoice batch will be created. This defaults to the country to which you are assigned. You can select another country from the list of options in this field if necessary.
Billing Company
The billing entity issuing invoices/credit notes to debtors within the invoice batch groups that will be included in the invoice batch. If you select a specific billing company in this field, the invoice batch will include only those invoice batch groups with debtors who are issued invoices/credit notes by the billing company you select. The list of billing companies available for selection in this field is filtered according to the country selected in the Country field. For example, only those billing companies that belong to the country of Norway will be listed in this field if Norway is selected in the Country field.
By default, the Any Billing Company option is selected and this allows the invoice batch to include invoice batch groups regardless of the billing company of the invoice batch.
Time Group Date
Cut-off date for inclusion of timesheets to be invoiced as part of the invoice batch.
Based on the date you specify in this field, the invoice batch can include invoice batch groups with timesheets belonging to the last complete billing cycle of a debtor, where the billing cycle ends on or before the time group date.
The date defaults to the current date. You can specify another date by typing the relevant date in this field or by clicking within the field and using the date picker to select the date.
Invokes a search for invoice batch groups based on the billing company and time group date you specify and displays a list the matching invoice batch groups in the search results list.
The following columns of information are displayed in the list grid section of the Create Invoice Batch screen.