FastTrack 360 includes parsing technology to support automation of application processing. The parsing technology is utilised in the following processes:
Outlook Extensions
Where a Candidate is created or updated via Outlook Extensions, the parsing tool scans any attachments to determine if there is a resume. The first resume found is deemed the primary resume and data is retrieved to apply to the Candidate record. Where there is no attachment, the tool scans the email subject and body.
Where the tool finds a valid Job Order ID, a Job Referral to the Job can be created.
A Review Candidate Data Screen is displayed with extracted data, for you to select if you wish to proceed with create / update, or cancel the process.
Online Job Application
Where FastTrack 360 has been integrated with the on-line Job aggregator 'Broadbean', if a Questionnaire with a resume attachment requirement has been assigned to the Job Advertisement, the parsing tool parses details from the resume to the new Candidate Record.
Unsolicited Candidate Registration
Where a Candidate Registration Page has been configured to capture unsolicited registrations, if the attached 'Form' requires a resume attachment and there are mapped fields in the form, the parsing tool parses details from the attached resume and applies this data to the mapped fields. Data from mapped fields is then applied to the new Candidate record on submission.
FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help