Title: | Credit Rebilling | |
Owner: | Max Ciereszko | |
Creator: | Max Ciereszko | 08 September 2021 |
Last Changed by: | Max Ciereszko | 02 December 2024 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://fasttrackservice.atlassian.net/wiki/x/gID1lg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Incoming Links
FastTrack360 Online Help (2)
Job Order - Updating Parity Rates Against Standard Rates Reasons |
Children (10)
Credit Rebill (Stage 1) - Select the Original Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 2) - Reviewing the Original Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 3) - Selecting the Credit Note Invoice Date
Credit Rebill (Stage 4) - Reviewing the New Credit Note
Credit Rebill (Stage 5) - Adjusting Timesheets
Credit Rebill (Stage 6) - Reviewing Adjusted Timesheets
Credit Rebill (Stage 7) - Selecting the Rebill Invoice Date
Credit Rebill (Stage 8) - Adjusting the Rebill Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 9) - Reviewing the Rebill Invoice
Finding Existing Credit Rebill Invoices
Credit Rebill (Stage 1) - Select the Original Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 2) - Reviewing the Original Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 3) - Selecting the Credit Note Invoice Date
Credit Rebill (Stage 4) - Reviewing the New Credit Note
Credit Rebill (Stage 5) - Adjusting Timesheets
Credit Rebill (Stage 6) - Reviewing Adjusted Timesheets
Credit Rebill (Stage 7) - Selecting the Rebill Invoice Date
Credit Rebill (Stage 8) - Adjusting the Rebill Invoice
Credit Rebill (Stage 9) - Reviewing the Rebill Invoice
Finding Existing Credit Rebill Invoices
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Outgoing Links
FastTrack360 Online Help (2)
Adding a Currency Code to a Debtor
Credit Rebilling |