The existing Timesheet Import process has been enhanced to support the following scenarios:
Ability to import multiple timesheets for the same job and the same week ending date
Currently when using Timesheet Import to support importing timesheets and adjustments, a user can only import one adjustment timesheet When importing timesheets into FastTrack360 from a 3rd party system, it is now possible to import multiple versions of the same timesheet (i.e. the original timesheet and one or more adjustment timesheets for the same job order and same week ending date per import. This is limiting where data from the third party system needs to be imported in bulk, with all of the timesheet’s iterations. ) in a single import.
To support this requirement, a new setting ‘Adjustment Only’ called Adjustment Only has been added to the Client and Job record’s Pay/Bill section . Once ticked where the job is Submitted to Timesheet, zero result adjustment only timesheet headers set to ‘Released’ are automatically generated. These headers only display in the Time & Attendance 'Historical’ Tab, providing users with the ability to bulk import the original timesheet as an adjustment which will result in a positive value timesheet, and its subsequent adjustment timesheets, in one file.To achieve this in the Import Wizard Import Settings, a new value is required in the file against all rows for of the Client and Job record. When ticked, the following applies:
It indicates that all timesheets for that client or job order will imported and will not be manually keyed in FastTrack360
When a job is submitted to timesheet, a ‘zero result’ timesheet header is automatically created for each timesheet and the status of each timesheet header is set to Released. These timesheet headers are required to allow the bulk import of an original timesheet and one or adjustments to that original timesheet and are only visible in the Historic timesheets list in Time and Attendance.
Info |
The Adjustment Only option is not required if the original timesheet will be manually keyed in FastTrack360 and you need to import all of its subsequent adjustment iterations either individually or in one timesheet import file. It is only necessary to use the Adjustment Only option if the original timesheet and its subsequent iterations are to be imported from an external source. |
To achieve the ability to bulk import multiple iterations of a timesheet in a single file, in the Timesheet Import Wizard settings, a new option called ‘Grouping’ is required to be mapped to the import file, and the import file must provide a grouping value to identify which iteration of the timesheet each row in the import file corresponds to. This information provides the system with the ability to determine the rows with the same job and week ending date that belong to determine the ‘Grouping’. Where multiple adjustment timesheets need to be generated, the system will use the Grouping value to determine the rows required for each timesheet and the order of the timesheetseach timesheet and the timesheet adjustment sequence, so that the logic can target the correct timesheet that is being adjusted. Click here for more details.
Where timesheets have been imported, they exist in the Submitted state and will need to be approved prior to any additional adjustments being imported.
Ability to Import New Standard Rate Sets/Rate Values via Timesheet Import
Supersede a Pay or Bill Rate
Where data is imported When importing time and attendance data from a third 3rd party system, there may be a requirement to be able to easily supersede a pay and or bill value that exists in the Job’s standard rates. The pay code and related bill code exist in the rates, however the rate value has been changed in the third party system. To prevent the need to manually edit the job’s rates, where this is needed, an enhancement has been made to provide the ability to include new standard rate values in the import file. To support this new items have been added to the Timesheet Import Field Mappings. Where imported, superseded rate values will not update back to the Job Order, they will apply in Interpreter Review and where a value has been superseded via import the related cell will display in a different colour so you are awaresuch as a Vendor Management System (VMS), you may have the requirement to also import the corresponding rates from the external system and have those rates supersede the standard rates on the corresponding job orders in FastTrack360. To support that, in the Timesheet Import Wizard settings new options have been added to allow rate fields to be mapped to values in the import file.
When rates are imported in a timesheet import file, the imported rates do not get updated in the job rates on the corresponding job order but they are used to pay and bill the corresponding timesheet item instead of the job rates. In Interpreter Review, where an imported rate has been used as the pay or bill rate, that rate is highlighted to identify that the rate has superseded the job rate. Click here for more details.
Ability to import a new Standard Rate Set
Where data is imported from a third party system, and new rate set is required for a Standard Rate Job Order, however users do not wish to have to manually create the new rates in the Job Order there is a requirement to be able to import the new rate set. To support this new items have been added to the Timesheet Import Field Mappings. Where In addition to being able to import pay and bill rates to supersede the standard rates that are defined on a job order, it is now possible to add a new rate set for a standard rates job order when importing timesheets from a 3rd party system. New options have been added in the Timesheet Import Wizard to allow mapping of fields that are required in the import file to enable the creation of a new rate set Click here for more details.
If a new Rate Set is detected on import, the system will automatically inject the rates into the validity period that corresponds with the item being imported. This will ensure that where the approved timesheet is interpreted, there is valid rate set available in the related Jobon the corresponding job order.
These enhancements are designed to support data import from third party system, where:
Additional fields will need to be mapped in Time & Attendance > Timesheet Import Wizard > Field Mapping where new rates and or rate values are to be imported and where timesheet grouping is required for import of multiple adjustment timesheets for same Job Order and same Week Ending Date.
General Validation Changes
If an item in the import file can be matched to a unique job order in the database, Timesheet Import will then perform general validation to ensure that the data provided in the item is correct.
We have made some changes to the conditions that may cause an item in the import file to fail the general validation where the timesheet includes Reimbursements, Absence Items or the Timesheet is an Adjustment Timesheet. These condition errors will be reported in the exception report as per the existing process.
Error Message
Data has already been keyed in and saved on the target timesheet in Time and Attendance and there is no Adjustment Reason provided
The timesheet item has been keyed so may be a duplicate. If this is an Adjustment Timesheet, a valid Adjustment Reason must be assigned to the timesheet for an Adjustment Timesheet to be created.
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