When reaching the VAT/GST stage of the pay batch, users can now open the stage and be able to enter a manual adjustment and a reason for the adjustment. This stage opens where a payee is a contractor (not PAYG/PAYE/Employee payee type) irrespective of whether they are VAT/GST registered.
This stage is also visible in the Pay Enquiry.
Field | Description | Rules |
Value | This field shows the calculated VAT/GST made by the system. | The field is not editable. |
Adjustment | This field allows an adjustment value to VAT/GST. | A positive or negative value can be entered up to 2 decimal places. The adjustment field is enabled depending on VAT/GST Adjustments on Separate Payslipsetting. If the configuration setting is checked on, this means that if there are any other payments/deductions being entered in the pay batch for the payee, the adjustment cannot be added. The adjustment has to be separated into a separate pay batch so that the adjustment appears on its own self-bill invoice. If the configuration setting is checked off, the field is enabled even if there are payments/deductions being processed in the pay batch for the payee. |
Total | This is the total of the Value and Adjustment fields. | The field is not editable. |
Description | This is to record a reason for the adjustment. | This field is mandatory if there is an adjustment entered positive or negative. |