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How to Manage Rejected Files

If a submitted file has been rejected, you can view the cause of the rejection by clicking on the Rejected button .

This will list a submission history of each time the file has been submitted and rejected. Click on the row to view the reason for the rejection.


The error messages that are returned are defined by the HMRC. If the rejection is applicable to a payee, the payee number will be output against the description of the error. An example is below:



The user is able to manually update certain data in the FPS if appropriate rights have been enabled on their security profile. Please refer to security permissions and assign the Edit FPS security permission.


Close the Submission Status History screen, and click on the View button to access the FPS data.


If you have the appropriate edit permission, click on the Edit button.

The screen will open in edit mode. The following fields in the screen are non editable:

Payee Number

Pay Frequency

Week No.

Month No.


Tax Code

NI Category


Apply the relevant change and click Save.

The following message will be shown:


Amending the data in the FPS will not amend the data in the pay batch nor against the payee. If the payee details or year to date values have been altered, you will need to amend those against the payee.


If a payee exists in another FPS that is yet to be submitted to the HMRC, you will need to potentially update the same field otherwise you may experience another rejection.


An EPS file cannot be amended. Should there be an issue with the EPS data, please contact Customer Support.


To view all amendments made to that payee's FPS, click Audit to view a report of any change that has been made and by whom. The Audit report can be accessed from within the individual payee's FPS record or from within the FPS and see all amendments made in against payees in the FPS.


Follow the procedure How to Submit Outgoing Forms to the HMRCto re-submit the amended file.

Insert excerpt
Re-submit a Completed FPS
Re-submit a Completed FPS