Enhancement No | Details |
E-00001000 | Ability to impose stronger passwords. Click here for details on this enhancement. |
E-00000088 | Ability to see gender in Payee and Candidate Record. A Gender field how displays in both Candidate and Payee header areas. |
E-00000161 | Ability to have Conditional Variables listed in alpha order. In Rates & Rules > Agreements > Conditional Variable Tab, these items now display in alpha order. |
E-00000376 | HTML version for Pay and Bill so silverlight is no longer required. This has been achieved with Version 12. |
E-00000495 | Ability to search for invoices within the time groups in the Billing > create invoice batch section. In Version 12 users can apply the filter and refine by Client Name. |
E-00000500 | Ability to exclude the Skills section in the Candidate Portal. In Version 12 the Skills section for the Candidate Portal is now a separate permission item. Click here for details on this enhancement. |
Other Features to Look Forward to