Note |
Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to v12.10:
Currently where you create a new custom field with a default value, and then search for the default via the UI, or run a call via an API, the system will not pick up results that match the default value. In the v12.10 release, we have made a change to remedy this issue to ensure that where default values are applied in a search or API call, the system will find these results. Please be aware that any reports will need to be re-factored to support where the default value is used as a criterion.
Leave Taken Deduction Rule Entitlement Balance Condition Change
The behaviour of the Sufficient Entitlement Balance condition on leave deduction rules for leave taken has changed whereby on upgrading to v12 the condition will partially pay leave taken if a payee has an insufficient entitlement balance to cover the entire duration of leave taken. Read more here.