The Candidate Preferences and Exclusions feature (introduced in the Vega 11.30 release) provides you with the ability to flag if a Candidate is preferred or excluded from a Client entity. For example, where a Client requests that they do not want a particular Candidate to be placed on any future assignments, or where a Candidate has advised that they prefer to work with a particular Client.
Where an Exclusion exists that relates to the Candidate and the Job Order entity (Parent, Client, Cost Centre), if a user attempts to place the Candidate, the system will display a warning and prevent the user from filling the job.
Apply To Entity Type
Preferences/Exclusions are assigned an 'Apply to Entity Type':
Global – Candidate cannot be placed with any Client in the Agency.
Parent – Candidate cannot be placed with any Client owned by the Parent, or Cost Centre owned by the Clients.
Client – Candidate cannot be placed with the Client or the Client's Cost Centres.
Cost Centre – Candidate cannot be placed with the Cost Centre.
Parent – Candidate is preferred to Client(s) owned by the Parent, or Cost Centres owned by the Clients.
Client – Candidate is preferred to the Client or the Client's Cost Centres.
Cost Centre – Candidate is preferred to the Cost Centre.
Preference / Exclusion Type
Preferences/Exclusions are also assigned a 'Preference/Exclusion Type', which defines WHO has requested the Preference/Exclusion, an Agency User, a Client or a Candidate.
For example, where the Candidate advises they do not wish to return to a Client, the 'Preference/Exclusion Type' assigned would be 'Candidate'. The 'Agency User' type may be used where an Agency has determined the preference / exclusion is beneficial for example a 'Global Exclusion' may be deemed appropriate by the Agency.