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In Recruitment Manager when a Candidate has been selected to fill a Job Order, there are a number of ways this action can be performed. If the Job is part of a 'Family', the 'Referral Workflow Feature' is used to fill a job.

The available options are described below. To fill

Fill a job from a Referral Workflow



Open the Referral Workflow Feature, or open the Job Order and navigate to the

Referral Workflow section.



Select the Candidate you wish to place and hold down the left mouse button and drag the Candidate to the Filled stage.

Alternatively select the Candidate and use the right mouse click to display the actions available. Select Fill Referral.

Where the placement is successful, a message is displayed. The Job record's status is updated to 'Filled' and where the Candidate has a diary applied, booking information is updated.

Where the placement is not successful, a message is displayed to advise the issue. For example, the placement dates conflict with a booking in the Candidate's Diary (where utilised).

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Fill a job from the 'Search Available Candidate' action



Open the Referral Workflow Feature, or open the Job Order.



Select Search Available Candidate.

The Search Available Candidate screen is displayed.

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Enter the criteria required and select Search.

The result list is displayed.



Tick the Select box next to the Candidate you wish to place.



Select Fill Job Order located at the top of the list.

Where the placement is successful, a message is displayed. The Job record's status is updated to 'Filled' and where the Candidate has a diary applied, booking information is updated.

Where the placement is not successful, a message is displayed to advise the issue. For example, the placement dates conflict with a booking in the Candidate's Diary (where utilised).

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To manually fill a job from the Job Order record



Open the Job and select Edit located at the top of the record.


Navigate to the Placement section.


Enter in the Candidate No. if known or use Lookup to find and apply the Candidate.


Change the Job's Status to Filled.


Select Save.

Where the placement is successful, a message is displayed. Where the Candidate has a diary applied, booking information is updated.

Where the placement is not successful, a message is displayed to advise the issue. For example, the placement dates conflict with a booking in the Candidate's Diary (where utilised)




Open the Referral Workflow Feature, or open the Job Order and navigate to the Referral Workflow section.


Navigate to the Filled stage and click on the Candidate you wish to remove. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the Candidate back to an earlier stage or the Rejected stage if applicable.
Where the action is successful, the Job record's status is updated to 'Vacant' and where the Candidate has a diary applied, booking information is removed.
Where the action is not successful, a message is displayed to advise the issue.



Open the Job and select Edit located at the top of the record.


Navigate to the Placement section.


Select in the Candidate No. click on the Delete key to remove the name from the field.


Change the Job's Status to Vacant.


Select Save.
Where the action is successful, a message is displayed. Where the Candidate has a diary applied, booking information is removed. Within the Referral Workflow the Candidate will be moved from the 'Filled' stage to an earlier stage.
Where the action is not successful, a message is displayed to advise the issue
