Thank you to everyone that contributed to the survey for the 11.38 release - your feedback is really appreciated!
We received 319 responses
89% of you rated the release as Excellent or Good
10% said it was average and 0.9% said poor.
We were glad to see how many of you are gaining benefits out of the enhancements included in this release:
We really appreciated your positive comments, here's a snapshot ...
Info |
Your feedback has been shared with support areas in FastTrack360 for further analysis, consideration and follow up should we need to seek clarification. |
Apple AirPods Pro Prize Winner
The winner is .... Megan Portelli from Workforce International - Congratulations!!! Megan has been contacted and will shortly be receiving her prize.
Note |
Some of you also mentioned enhancements you would like to see. We have an existing Idea Pool process whereby we capture enough details to ensure we have information to be able to determine if the request is feasible, and if there is application for other clients. Click here to view the idea pool request page. |