Difference between a Questionnaire and Registration page

Difference between a Questionnaire and Registration page

Below are answers to some common questions asked about the difference between a Questionnaire and Registration page and when they should be used.

QuestionQuestionnaire PageRegistration Page
What is the purpose?

Create a list questions to assist with screening Candidates who apply to jobs advertised on a job board via Broadbean. 

Create a list of questions for Candidates who want to register with the Agency without having to apply for a job.
How do I create a page?

In Maintenance > Pages

Creating & Maintaining Questionnaire Pages

This is a 2 step process:

  1. The Form is created in Maintenance > Forms
  2. The page is configured in Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Registration where a Form must be selected.

 Form Maintenance Overview

Can a page be edited after it’s been used?

Yes. Any changes made will only be applied to jobs posted for the first time after the changes are made.

No. If any changes are needed, a new Form needs to be created. 

How do you link the page to a job?

The first time a job is advertised, using the Advertise Job button, you select which page is to be used for that job.

These cannot be linked to jobs.
How does a Candidate access the page?

Apply for a job advertised on a job board via Broadbean.

Via a URL. 

Once the Registration page is configured in FastTrack 360, a URL is generated. 

The URL is generally linked to the Agency’s website by their website developer.

When the page is submitted, will a Candidate record be created?

If a Candidate record doesn’t already exist in FastTrack360, a new Candidate record will be created.

 If a Candidate record already exists, the existing record will be updated, or a new record created.

If a Candidate record doesn’t already exist in FastTrack360, a new Candidate record will be created.

 If a Candidate record already exists, the existing record will not be updated, nor will a new record be created.

The Candidate Duplicate Check settings determine how the system identifies if a Candidate record already exists. Since v12.10 this has been consolidated into one location.

How do you view the responses in FastTrack360?

Responses can be viewed in either:

  • The Referrals section of the Candidate record; or
  • The Referral Workflow by right clicking on Candidate and selecting View Response

Responses can be viewed in the Form Responses section of the Candidate record.

Will the Candidate appear in the Referral Workflow of a job?

Yes, they will appear in the Referral Workflow of the job they’ve applied to.

No, as these aren’t linked to jobs.

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