Statutory Parameters for 2025/2026 Tax Year
The breakdown of all UK statutory parameters for each tax year can be found here.
Tax Bands/Tax Rates
The tax rates and bands for England/Northern Ireland, Wales have not changed from the previous tax year.
The tax rates and bands have changed for Scotland.
Threshold | 2024/2025 | 2025/2026 | Rate % |
England/Northern Ireland/Wales |
Basic | 1-37700 | 1-37700 | 20 |
Higher | 37701 - 125140 | 37701 - 125140 | 40 |
Additional Rate | 125141 > | 125141 > | 45 |
Scotland |
Starter Rate | 1-2306 | 1-2827 | 19 |
Basic Rate | 2307 - 13991 | 2827 - 14921 | 20 |
Intermediate Rate | 13992 - 31092 | 14922 - 31092 | 21 |
Higher Rate | 31093 - 62430 | 31093 - 62430 | 42 |
Advanced Rate | 62431 - 125140 | 62431 - 125140 | 45 |
Top Rate | 125141 > | 125141 > | 48 |
Emergency Tax Code
The Emergency Tax Code of 1257L has not changed.
Tax Code Uplift
There is no tax code uplift for 2025/26 tax year.
National Insurance Thresholds/Rates
The National Insurance Thresholds have not changed. Please refer to Statutory Parameters for Each Tax Year page for details.
Student Loan/Postgraduate Loan
The percentage deduction rates have not changed. Plan Type 1, 2 and 4 threshold values have changed.
Loan Type | 2024/2025 | 2025/2026 | % Rate |
Student Loan Plan Type 1 | 24990 | 26065 | 9 |
Student Loan Plan Type 2 | 27295 | 28470 | 9 |
Student Loan Plan Type 4 | 31395 | 32745 | 9 |
Postgraduate Loan | 21000 | 21000 | 6 |
Statutory Payments
Statutory Payments have changed.
Statutory Payment | 2024/2025 | 2025/2026 |
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) | 184.03 | 187.18 |
Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) | 184.03 | 187.18 |
Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) | 184.03 | 187.18 |
Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) | 184.03 | 187.18 |
Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP) | 184.03 | 187.18 |
Statutory Neonatal Pay (SNCP) | | 187.18 |
Statutory Sick Pay | 116.75 | 118.75 |
When you download the new tax year and import the statutory parameters, FastTrack360 will automatically up-rate existing statutory values against payees who have SMP/SAP/SPP/ShPP payments determined for the new tax year. This is currently not available for Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay as these values are applied directly in the pay batch.
For SSP, during the pay batch process, the FastTrack360 will determine the change in the daily SSP rate when a sick period spans the 2 tax years.
Apprenticeship Levy
Apprenticeship Levy of 0.5% and annual allowance of £15000 has not changed.
Employment Allowance
Employment Allowance has increased to £10500.
Pension Thresholds
No change to the pension thresholds.
AEO Rates
Scottish Earnings Arrestment bandings has been uplifted. Please click here to view the band values.