Debtor eInvoice Processing Requirements

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Debtor eInvoice Processing Requirements

Invoices delivered via eInvoicing can be uploaded by a receiving party’s financials system to facilitate automatic invoice processing by the receiver (debtor). Each debtor and their respective receiving system may have different requirements as to what information must be provided in an eInvoice so that their receiving system can reconcile the eInvoice to a specific order and can therefore process the invoice automatically.

Before you commit to delivering eInvoices to a debtor from FastTrack360, it is important that you understand what data your debtor requires for their receiving system to be able to process eInvoices automatically and what FastTrack360 currently supports.

Invoice Header-level References

The PEPPOL standard requires that at least one of the following fields is provided in an eInvoice, at the invoice header level, so that a debtor’s receiving system can automatically reconcile and process an eInvoice:




Identifies a specific purchase order number.



Identifies reference data that is supplied by the buyer to identify a specific order, where that data is not a purchase order, contract number, project number or tender number.

 FastTrack360 can be configured, on a per-debtor basis, to populate either or both these fields.

If a debtor requires OrderReference to be populated, that field will be populated based on the purchase order number that is linked to the first invoice item on an invoice, if invoicing by purchase order.

If a debtor requires BuyerReference to be populated, that field will be populated with the value defined in the Purchase Order Group Number field on the job order is linked to the first invoice item on an invoice, if invoicing by any of the following:

  • Job

  • Job and Project Code

  • Order by Contact

  • Order By Contact and Purchase Order

If a purchase order number or a purchase order group number cannot be determined, a default debtor-level buyer reference is populated in the BuyerReference field instead.

In addition to the two options described above, debtor FastTrack360 can also populate the ProjectReferenceID field at the invoice header level, in which case that field will be populated with the project code that is linked to the first invoice item on an invoice, if invoicing by any of the following:

  • Project Code

  • Job and Project Code

These are the only combinations of invoice header level references that are currently supported. FastTrack360 does not currently support populating a contract number, project number or tender number at the invoice header level. It is important that before you commit to using FastTrack360 to deliver invoices to a debtor via eInvoicing that you check that the debtor is capable of processing eInvoices based on the options supported by FastTrack360 as described above.

Invoice Item- level References

At the invoice line level within an eInvoice, the optional PEPPOL field OrderLineReference > Line ID field allows an identifier to be populated that references the invoice line item to a purchase order line within a debtor’s purchase order. FastTrack360 does not currently manage purchase order line references and as such does not populate that information at the invoice line level within an eInvoice.

at the invoice line level in an eInvoice to identify the candidate and item date to which each invoice item in an eInvoice correspond.

Identification of Candidate

The first name and surname of the candidate and the invoice item date are prepended to the invoice item description at the invoice line level of an eInvoice (Invoice Line > Item > Description field in the eInvoice UBL file).

The candidate first name and surname are omitted if the eInvoice corresponds to a manual/ad-hoc invoice and there is no candidate linked to the invoice item.

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