FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
STP Pre and Post Submission Report Data
The following table lists and describes the fields that are displayed on the STP pre and post submission reports.
The following fields are displayed in the report header:
Field | Description |
Pay Period | If the corresponding STP submission is for a pay batch, this field displays the date range of the (open) pay period in which the pay batch was processed. If the corresponding STP submission is an EOFY batch, this field displays the date range of the corresponding financial year. |
Pay Batch No | If the corresponding STP submission is for a pay batch, this field displays the pay batch number that uniquely identifies the pay batch in FT360. If the corresponding STP submission is an EOFY batch, this field displays N/A. |
Run Date/Time | For post-submission reports, this field displays one of the following:
The date and time is displayed in the format DDMMYY HH:MM:SS. For pre-submission reports, this field always displays N/A. |
Pay/Update Date | For post-submission reports, this field displays one of the following:
Submission ID | For post-submission reports, this field displays a submission ID that identifies the STP submission to which the report corresponds. For pre-submission reports, this field always displays N/A. |
Submission Status | Displays one of the following depending on the submission status of the corresponding batch:
Payee Record Count | Displays the number of payees that will be reported (pre-submission) or that have been reported (post-submission). |
The following fields are displayed in the report body:
Field | Description |
Payee No | Nine-digit FastTrack360 payee ID that uniquely identifies the listed payee. |
First Name | Given name of the listed payee. |
Surname | Family name of the listed payee. |
TFN/ABN | Tax File Number of the listed payee. Alternatively, if the listed payee is a Company Contractor with a voluntary withholding, this field shows the contractor’s Australian Business Number. |
Pay Company | Trade name of the pay company for which the listed payee works. |
Start Date | Employment commencement date of the listed payee. |
End Date | Employment end date of the listed payee or displays blank if the payee’s employment has not been terminated. |
Income Type | Displays one of the following to identify the income type under which the listed payee’s earnings are reported in STP:
For more information about each of these income types, see Overview of STP Phase 2 | Income stream and tax treatment codes replace payment summary type |
YTD Tax | Tax withheld from the listed payee’s earning for the corresponding financial year-to-date. |
YTD Gross | If the listed payee’s income type is anything other than LAB or VOL, this field displays the gross payments made to the payee for the corresponding financial year-to-date, excluding the following:
If the listed payee’s income type is LAB or VOL, this field displays all gross payments made to the payee for the corresponding financial year-to-date excluding reimbursements. |
YTD Overtime | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payment was made against a pay code type of Overtime. This includes annual leave loading and TOIL leave that is cashed out during service against a pay code type of Overtime. For more information, see Reporting of paid leave under STP Phase 2 - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
YTD Paid Leave | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payments corresponded to paid leave. This excludes annual leave loading and TOIL leave that was cashed out against a pay code type of Overtime and is therefore included in the YTD Overtime amount. This also excludes any outstanding leave amount paid out at termination as part of a Lump Sum A, Lump Sum B or ETP. For more information, see Reporting of paid leave under STP Phase 2 - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( When the report is downloaded as a data extract to Microsoft Excel, YTD paid leave values are split by paid leave type. For more information, see STP Pre and Post Submission Report Data | Data Extract below. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
YTD Bon/Commi | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payments were made against a pay code where the Bonus/Commission Payments option applied. For more information, see Pay Codes for Bonus/Commission Payments - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
YTD Allowances | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payments were made against a taxable allowance pay code and that had the Itemise in STP Reports option applied. For more information, see AU Pay Codes > Enhancements to Support STP2 Reporting (v12.17) - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( When the report is downloaded as a data extract to Microsoft Excel, YTD allowances are split by allowance type. For more information, see STP Pre and Post Submission Report Data | Data Extract below. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
YTD Sal Sacrifice | Amounts deducted from the listed payee’s gross earnings for the corresponding financial year-to-date, where the deduction type was Standard or Payee Superannuation. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
YTD Deductions | Amounts deducted from the listed payee’s net earnings for the corresponding financial year-to-date, where the deduction type was Workplace Giving or Union/Prof. Assoc. Fee. |
YTD Super Liability | Superannuation that the payee accrued during the corresponding financial year-to-date, where the accrual contributed to the Superannuation Guarantee or an amount mandated by an industrial award (i.e. where the RESC option did not apply). |
YTD RESC Super | Superannuation that the payee accrued during the corresponding financial year-to-date, where the accrual contributed over and above what is required by the Superannuation Guarantee or under an applicable industrial award (i.e. where the RESC option did apply). This is inclusive of salary sacrifice superannuation deductions included in the YTD Sal Sacrifice amount. |
Lump A | Payments made as part of a Lump Sum A amount at the Termination pay batch stage, if the listed payee’s employment was terminated and they qualified for a Lump Sum A payment. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
Lump B | Payments made as part of a Lump Sum B amount at the Termination pay batch stage, if the listed payee’s employment was terminated and they qualified for a Lump Sum A payment. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
Lump D | Payments made as part of a Lump Sum D amount at the Termination pay batch stage, if the listed payee’s employment was terminated and they qualified for a Lump Sum A payment. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
Lump E | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payments corresponded to either:
This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
Lump W | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year-to-date where the payments corresponded to Return-to-Work payments. For more information about such payments, see AU Pay Codes > Support for Back-to-Work Payments - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
ETP Tax Free | Tax-free component of an employment termination payment made to the listed payee for the corresponding financial year-to-date, as paid at the Termination pay batch stage if the payee’s employment has been terminated. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
ETP Taxable | Taxable component of an employment termination payment made to the listed payee for the corresponding financial year-to-date, as paid at the Termination pay batch stage if the payee’s employment has been terminated. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
Tax on ETP | Tax withheld from the taxable component of an employment termination payment made to the listed payee for the corresponding financial year-to-date, as paid at the Termination pay batch stage if the payee’s employment has been terminated. This does not apply to payees with an income type of LAB or VOL. |
RFB Taxable | Payments made to the listed payee that constitute taxable fringe benefits. RFB amounts are only reported in an EOFY STP batch and therefore this field always displays a zero value if the report corresponds to any other type of STP submission or the payee has no RFB taxable amount to report for the FBT year ending 31 March of the calendar year in which the corresponding financial year ends. |
RFB Exempt | Payments made to the listed payee that constitute tax-exempt fringe benefits. RFB exempt amounts are only reported in an EOFY STP batch and therefore this field always displays a zero value if the report corresponds to any other type of STP submission or the payee has no RFB exempt amount to report for the FBT year ending 31 March of the calendar year in which the corresponding financial year ends. |
Data Extract
Additional information is included when the STP pre and post submission reports are downloaded as a data extract to Microsoft Excel, showing a split for paid leave and allowances by paid leave type and allowance type respectively. The additional information is listed and described in the table below.
Field | Description |
YTD Paid Parental Leave | Payments made to the listed payee for paid parental leave that the payee took during the corresponding financial year. Amounts included in this field represent payments made for leave taken where the Leave Type was mapped to a paid leave type of Paid Parental Leave (P). |
YTD Paid Workers' Comp Leave | Payments made to the listed payee for paid workers' compensation leave that the payee took during the corresponding financial year. Amounts included in this field represent payments made for leave taken where the Leave Type was mapped to a paid leave type of Workers' Compensation (W). |
YTD Paid Ancillary Leave | Payments made to the listed payee for paid ancillary leave that the payee took during the corresponding financial year. Amounts included in this field represent payments made for leave taken where the Leave Type was mapped to a paid leave type of Ancillary (A). Ancillary leave covers paid leave such as Australian Defense Force service, jury service, eligible community service, emergency service. |
YTD Paid Other Leave | Payments made to the listed payee for paid leave, other than paid parental, workers' compensation or ancillary leave, that the payee took during the corresponding financial year. Amounts included in this field represent payments made for leave taken where the Leave Type was mapped to a paid leave type of Other (O). Other leave covers paid leave types such as annual leave/annual leave loading, personal leave, rostered day off (RDO) leave, time off in lieu (TOIL), compassionate/bereavement leave, study leave, family and domestic violence leave and paid leave grated by an employer in response to specific circumstances. |
YTD Cashed Out Leave In Service | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where:
This excludes cash out of leave in service that was paid against a pay code type of Overtime. Such payments are included in the YTD Overtime amount instead. |
YTD Cashed Out Leave on Termination | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where:
YTD Allowance - Car | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Car. |
YTD Allowance - Transport | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Transport. |
YTD Allowance – Laundry | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Laundry. |
YTD Allowance – Meals | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Meals. |
YTD Allowance – Travel | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Travel. |
YTD Allowance – Tools | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Tools. |
YTD Allowance – Tasks | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Tasks. |
YTD Allowance – Qualifications./Certs. | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Qualifications/Certificates. |
YTD Allowance – Other | Payments made to the listed payee during the corresponding financial year where the payments were made against an allowance pay code that was mapped to an allowance type of Other. |
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