Amending Information in the Current Financial Year

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Amending Information in the Current Financial Year

In some circumstances it might be necessary to amend the details of a payee who has been paid in the current financial year, and has therefore been reported through STP, but the payee may no longer be paid for the rest of the financial year and the payee’s reported year-to-date amounts do not require adjustment. For example, any of the following payee details may have been reported incorrectly and may need to be amended:

  • name, date of birth and address details

  • payee type (Individual Non Business or Labour Hire)

  • tax file number

  • tax status

To update a payee’s details via STP when the payee will no longer be paid in the current financial year, you can do the following:

  1. Update the Payee record to correct any of the details that were incorrect if necessary

  2. Process the payee in a balancing payments adjustment pay batch, making sure that the adjustment period you select is the last pay period in which the payee was paid within the current financial year. You need not make any adjustment to the payee’s pay in the pay batch.

  3. Submit the balancing payments adjustment batch via STP.

A payee’s tax file number and tax status fall under validity periods on the Payee record. Therefore, a new validity period may need to be added to the relevant Payee record if a payee’s tax file number or tax status requires correction. When a balancing payments adjustment pay batch is submitted via STP, the system will refer to the validity period that is valid on the day of submission to determine the tax file number and tax status that is to be reported. Therefore, if the tax file number or tax status needs to be corrected, you must ensure that you submit the balancing payments pay batch via STP on or after the day that the correct tax file number or tax status becomes valid on the payee record.

If you need to adjust a payee’s pay amount for a prior pay period within the current financial year, you must process a regular adjustment pay batch (i.e. not a balancing payments adjustment batch) for the relevant adjustment period and you must submit that adjustment pay batch via STP to update the payee’s reported YTD amounts. The exception to this is in the event of an overpayment where the payee has refunded the difference and therefore the overpayment will not be recouped in a future pay batch; in such cases a balancing payments adjustment batch should be processed and submitted via STP to correct the payee’s YTD amounts given that the payee has repaid the overpayment.

If the payee had been working across two or more financial years, the payee’s details may have been reported incorrectly in prior financial years too. If that is the case, you may also need to amend the relevant prior financial years.

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