Pay Agreements

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Pay Agreements

A pay agreement determines the level of pay and conditions of employment for workers in a specific industry or occupation.

Pay agreements configured in Rates and Rules are assigned to a specific level of an agreement hierarchy. The level of the agreement hierarachy and the hierarchy value to which a pay agreement is assigned determines if the pay agreement is applicable to a job order. For example, a job order belonging to the country of Sweden can be assigned to a pay agreement that belongs to the country of Sweden within the agreement hierarchy. However, the job order could not be assigned to a pay agreement belonging to any other country.

When a job order is filled in Recruitment Manager, and the job order is subject to agreement rates as opposed to standard rates, a pay agreement must be assigned to the job order before the job order can be submitted to timesheet. The list of pay agreements to which the job order can be assigned is filtered according to those that are applicable to the job order, based on the agreement hierarchy values that apply.

Note that pay agreements are assigned to job orders via the Pay/Bill section of the Job Order screen in Recruitment Manager.



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