How to Edit an Existing Public Holiday Payment

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Edit an Existing Public Holiday Payment

Any attributes of a public holiday payment record can be edited if necessary so long as the public holiday payment has not been applied in a pay batch. Once a public holiday payment record has been used in a pay batch, you can do the following:

  • change the name of the public holiday payment

  • set an effective end date for the public holiday payment if the payment is effective indefinitely

  • set an end date on the validity period on a rule set

  • create a new rule set for a new validity period.

To edit an existing public holiday payment, follow the procedure below.


Navigate to Pay New Zealand > Maintenance > Public Holiday Payments.

The Public Holiday Payment Maintenance screen opens.



Search for and list the existing public holiday payment that you want to edit.



In the list of existing records returned by the search, click on the view / edit button next to the public holiday payment that you want to edit.

The record opens in the Public Holiday Entry screen.


Change any of the attributes of the public holiday payment as required.


Name under which this public holiday payment record is to be saved. This must be unique.

Last Pay Batch Date

Displays the latest pay period end date of any pay batch in which this public holiday payment was used.

Effective Dates

- From:

The date on which this public holiday payment becomes effective. Click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.

- To:

The date on which this public holiday payment ceases to be effective. Click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the relevant date or leave this field blank if the public holiday payment is to remain effective indefinitely.

Pay Code

Defines the pay code against which payees will be paid in the event that this public holiday payment applies.

Holiday Type

Defines the types of holidays to which this public holiday payment applies. The holiday types that are available will depend on what holiday types are configured in your system. For example, a holiday type of Christmas Day may be configured to represent a public holiday on 25 December. To add holiday types to the list, click  and use the Select Holiday Types screen to select the relevant holiday types.

Employment Type

Defines the employment type(s) to which this public holiday payment applies. To restrict this public holiday payment to payees who have one or more specific employment types, click Add+ and select the relevant employment types by selecting the name of the relevant employment type from the drop-down list that appears.

Payee Conditional Variable

Defines the payee conditional variable(s) to which this public holiday payment applies. For example, if this public holiday payment is to be restricted to payees who have a specific certification level, qualification, pay grade or similar, you can define the relevant conditional variable(s) on this tab.

To restrict this public holiday by a specific conditional variable, click Add+, select the name of the relevant variable from the Type field and select the corresponding value for the variable from the Value field.

Public Holiday Dates

Defines the dates and rules applicable to the defined dates. Click Add+ to setup elements this section.

- Start Date:

Defines the date on which a set of rules for this public holiday payment become effective. To add a new set of rules, click the calendar button just above the Validity Dates field grouping and then click  and use the calendar control to select the relevant date. Note that if there are no other validity periods defined yet, this field defaults to the date on which this public holiday payment becomes valid, as defined in the Effective Dates field grouping, and cannot be changed.

- End Date:

Defines the date on which a set of rules for this public holiday payment becomes invalid. This field can remain blank if the validity period if the corresponding set of rules are to remain valid indefinitely or if the rule set is the only rule set or the only rule set that is defined for this public holiday payment. To define an end date, click  and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.

Payee Worked Rule

Pay Codes/Pay Code Types

Defines the pay codes or pay code types that indicate that a payee worked on a public holiday and is therefore ineligible for this public holiday payment. For example, if a pay code type of Normal is selected in this field and a payee has earnings that are attributable to a pay code type of Normal on a date on which any holiday type for this public holiday payment occurs, the payee will be deemed to have worked on that public holiday. Therefore, the payee will be ineligible to receive this public holiday payment for that date.

To select the pay codes or pay code types that will be used to determine if a payee worked on a public holiday, click the pencil button and use the Select Pay Code or Pay Code Types screen to select the relevant pay codes or pay code types.

Eligibility Rule

- Eligibility Type

Defines if the payee is deemed eligible to receive this public holiday payment based on their availability to work on the day on which a public holiday occurs or based on the payee having worked on a certain number of prior public holidays.

If you select the Payee Schedule option, a payee will be deemed eligible to receive this public holiday payment if the payee schedule shows that the payee is available to work on the day on which the public holiday falls.

If you select the Number of Days Worked option, a payee will be deemed eligible to receive this public holiday payment if they have worked on at least a certain number of prior public holidays within a predefined number of weeks prior to the occurrence a public holiday.

- Number of Days

This field is available only if the Number of Days Worked option is selected in the Eligibility Type field and defines the minimum number of prior public holiday days a payee must have worked over a period to be eligible for this public holiday payment.

- Over No. Of Weeks

This field is available only if the Number of Days Worked option is selected in the Eligibility Type field and defines the number of weeks over which the payee must have worked on prior public holidays if the payee is to be deemed eligible to receive this public holiday payment. For example, if a value of 2 is keyed into the Number of Days field and a value of 4 is keyed into this field, a payee will be eligible to receive this public holiday payment if the payee has worked on two prior public holiday days within four weeks of the current public holiday.

- Pay Codes/Pay Code Types

Defines the pay code(s) or pay code type(s) that must occur on prior public holiday days in order for a payee to be deemed as having worked on the prior public holiday. For example, if a pay code type of Overtime is selected in this field and a payee has earnings that are attributable to a pay code type of Overtime on a date on which a prior public holiday fell, the payee will be deemed as having worked on that prior public holiday.

To select the pay codes or pay code types, click the pencil button and use the Select Pay Code or Pay Code Types screen to select the relevant options.

Hour Rule

Hour Rule Type

Determines the number of hours work for which a payee will be paid whenever the payee meets the criteria for this public holiday payment. The options are as follows:

- Job Schedule:

the payee will be paid for the number of hours that they were scheduled to work on the day on which the public holiday occurs, as defined by the job schedule. If the job schedule is not defined, the payee will not receive any payment.

- Payee Schedule:

the payee will be paid for the number of hours that they made themselves available to work on the day on which the public holiday occurs, as defined by their payee schedule. If the payee schedule has no availability hours for the corresponding day, the payee will not receive a payment.

- Average Hours:

the payee will be paid for a number of hours that equal the average number of hours the payee has worked over a specified period.

- Fixed Hours:

the payee will be paid for a fixed number of hours.

- Hours Worked In Past:

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Hour Rule Type field and specifies how many past days or pay periods that the system will include when determining the average number of hours that the payee works.

- Selected Calculation Period:

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Hour Rule Type field and specifies if the system is to look at a past number of days or pay periods when determining the average number of hours that the payee works.

- Count Hours Of:

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Hour Rule Type field and specifies what types of days are to be included when calculating a payee's average work hours. The options are as follows:

Only Worked Public Holiday Days Within Periods - only those hours that the payee worked on public holidays are counted towards the payee's average hours

All Worked Days In Period - all hours worked on days within the selected calculation period will be counted towards the payee's average hours.

Pay Codes/Pay Code Types

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Hour Rule Type field and defines the pay code(s) or pay code type(s) that must occur on a day within the specified calculation period in order for a payee to be deemed as having worked on that day. For example, if a pay code type of Normal is selected in this field, the system will deem that a payee has worked on a day within the selected calculation period if the payee had time attributed to a pay code with a type of Normal on that day.

To select the pay codes or pay code types, click the pencil button and use the Select Pay Code or Pay Code Types screen to select the relevant options.

Fixed Hours

This field is available only if the Fixed option is selected in the Hour Rule Type field and specifies the fixed number of hours for which a payee will be paid each time they are deemed eligible to receive this public holiday payment. For example, key in a value of 8 in this field if payees are to be paid for the equivalent of 8 hours work.

Rate Rule

Rate Rule Type

Defines the rate at which this public holiday payment will be paid. The available options are as follows:

- Payee Rate:

the public holiday payment will be made at a rate that is equal to an eligible payee's payee rate, as defined on Employment/Payslip Details on the Payee record

- Average Rate:

the public holiday payment will be made at a rate that is equal to an eligible payee's earnings over a selected period prior to a public holiday.

Rounding Type

Determines the type of rounding to be applied when calculating the pay rate for this public holiday payment. The available options are as follows:

- Round:

the rate value will be rounded to a specific number of decimal places (e.g. 22.945123 becomes 22.95)

- Truncate:

the rate value will be truncated at a specific number of decimal places (e.g. 22.945123 becomes 22.94).

Rounding Value

Determines the number of decimal places to which the rate value will be rounded or truncated. For example, a value of 2 indicates that rates will be rounded to or truncated at two decimal places.

Calculate Across

This field is available only if the Average Rate option is selected in the Rate Rule Type field and defines the number of prior days or pay periods that are taken into account when calculating a payee's average earnings.

Select Calculation Period

This field is available only if the Average Rate option is selected in the Rate Rule Type field and determines whether a payee's average pay rate is to be calculated based on a number of prior days or pay periods.

Pay Codes/Pay Code Types

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Rate Rule Type field and defines the pay code(s) or pay code type(s) that must be included in the calculation of a payee's average pay rate.

To select the pay codes or pay code types, click the pencil button and use the Select Pay Code or Pay Code Types screen to select the relevant options.

Days Based On

This field is available only if the Average Hours option is selected in the Rate Rule Type field and defines the day(s) of the week from which the average rate will be derived. For example, if days worked on week days attract a lower rate than those that fall on a weekend and this public holiday payment is to be paid at the lower, weekday rate, select the relevant week days or all week days, if applicable, in this field.



Once you have edited the record as required, save the new public holiday payment by clicking Save.

A confirmation message is displayed to indicate that the public holiday payment has been saved.

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