Selecting the Payee's Superannuation Fund

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Selecting the Payee's Superannuation Fund

Before a payee record can be saved a superannuation fund must be selected to determine the fund to which the payee's accrued superannuation contributions are to be paid.
The payee's pay company can be configured to have a default fund which the payee will inherit automatically. If this is the case, you need not select a superannuation fund unless the payee is eligible to select a superannuation fund of their choosing and has chosen a fund other than the default employer fund.

If the payee's pay company does not have a default fund configured, a fund must be selected before the payee record can be saved. It is possible to select multiple funds if a payee's superannuation is split between different funds.

 If the payee has inherited the pay company's default fund, but the payee has chosen to use a different fund, the default fund must be removed from the payee's superannuation details.

When a payee is assigned to a job, the pay agreement that applies to the job may also specify that superannuation accrued during the course of that job must be paid into a specific superannuation fund. If this is the case, an agreement superannuation fund will be added to the payee's superannuation details by default and that fund will be used instead of the payee's individual fund during the course of the job. If a payee inherits an agreement fund, you need only specify the payee's membership number for that fund. 

An Agreement Default flag must be ticked for one superannuation fund that exists on a payee's superannuation details. This identifies the superannuation fund to which the payee will accrue superannuation when one of the following conditions apply:

  • the payee is filled on a job order that is subject to a pay agreement but the pay agreement is not linked to any superannuation fund

  • the payee is filled on a job order that is subject to a pay agreement and the pay agreement has a superannuation link that does not stipulate a specific fund but allows payees' default funds to be used instead.

The Agreement Default flag cannot be ticked for multiple superannuation funds in a payee's superannuation details.

An Exempt flag is available on the payee superannuation details to flag a payee as being exempt from compulsory employer superannuation contributions. This may be the case if the payee is an independent contractor (tax type of Company) who meets their own superannuation requirements.

 Such payees may still want to have superannuation contributions accrued and paid to funds on their behalf, in which case all contributions are accrued from deductions taken from their earnings. In such cases, it is still necessary to define the payee's superannuation fund or funds in the payee superannuation details.

 The Agreement Default flag does not apply to payees who are exempt from compulsory employer superannuation.

 How to Select a Payee's Super Fund

To select the payee's superannuation fund, follow the procedure below.

How to Select the Payee's Super Fund


On the Payee Entry screen, navigate to the Payee Details > Superannuation Details section.


If the payee is exempt from compulsory employer superannuation contributions, within the Superannuation Details section of the Payee Entry screen, click Exempt and do not proceed any further.
Skip this step and go onto step 3 if the payee is not exempt from compulsory employer superannuation contributions.


At the top of the Superannuation Details section of the Payee Entry screen, click Add.

The Search Superannuation Funds dialog box opens.


In the search fields, key in or select as much information about the relevant fund as possible. Alternatively, skip this step if you want to list all funds that are configured in the system.


Click Search.

A list of funds is displayed on the Search Superannuation Funds dialog box.


In the list of funds, click the button next to the name of the relevant fund.

The Search Superannuation Funds dialog box and the fund you have selected is added to the list of funds that is displayed in the Superannuation Details section of the Payee Entry screen.


In the Policy/Member Number column, key in the payee's superannuation policy number of the fund if the payee has supplied it.

It is possible to save the payee record without a policy number initially. Therefore, skip this step if the payee has not provided a policy number yet.


In the Rate Rule column, select the rate rule that determines the rate at which the payee will accrue superannuation contributions that will be paid to the fund.
Skip this step if the payee will be exempt from compulsory employer superannuation contributions. In such cases, accrual of superannuation is based on deductions from earnings exclusively and therefore the accrual rate is defined by the deduction rate.


If the fund is to act as the payee's default fund in the event that the pay agreement that applies to a job the payee works does not stipulate a specific fund, tick the Agreement Default column.

Only one fund on the payee's superannuation details can be flagged as the agreement default fund.


If the payee has already been registered as a member of the fund, select the date on which the payee was registered in the Registration Date field.


If the payee has more than one super fund, repeat steps 3-10 to add one or more other funds if necessary.


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