How to Delete an Existing WorkCover Code

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Delete an Existing WorkCover Code

An existing WorkCover code can be deleted if it not required and all of the following conditions apply:

  • it has not been used in a pay batch

  • it has not been assigned to a job order or used by a WorkCover office code record

  • it has not been assigned to an agency office.

To delete an existing WorkCover code, follow the procedure below.


Search for the relevant record within Payroll > Maintenance > WorkCover Code & Rate.

The existing WorkCover codes matching your search criteria are listed on the WorkCover Code & Rate Maintenance screen.



In the list of existing WorkCover codes, click the delete button next to the WorkCover code that you want to delete.

A confirmation message opens, prompting you to confirm the deleting of the WorkCover code.


Click Delete.

The confirmation message closes and the WorkCover code is deleted.
