FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Find Existing WorkCover Codes
Once an existing WorkCover code is listed on the WorkCover Code & Rate Maintenance screen, you can do the following:
open the WorkCover code record to edit its attributes or to add a new WorkCover rate
delete the WorkCover code record if the code is not required.
To find an existing WorkCover code, follow the procedure below.
1. | Go to Payroll > Maintenance > WorkCover > WorkCover Code & Rate. The WorkCover Code & Rate Maintenance screen is displayed. |
2. | In the fields in the search header at the top of the WorkCover Code & Rate Maintenance screen, key in or select as much information about the WorkCover code or codes you want to find. WorkCover State - State or territory to which a WorkCover code belongs. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to list the WorkCover codes for any state or territory. To search for and list only those WorkCover codes that belong to a specific state or territory, select the relevant state or territory in this field. WorkCover Code - WorkCover code to be found and listed. Key in a WorkCover code in this field to find and list that specific WorkCover code only. Industry - Name of the WorkCover industry to which a WorkCover code corresponds. To list only the WorkCover code that corresponds to a specific WorkCover industry, key in the industry name in this field. Skill Group - Skill group that applies to the WorkCover code. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to list WorkCover codes for any skill group. To list only those WorkCover codes to which a specific skill group applies, select the name of the relevant skill group in this field. Active - Allows searching of WorkCover codes by their active status. By default, this field is ticked to indicate that only those WorkCover codes that are currently flagged as active and are therefore available to be applied to job orders will be listed. If you want to find WorkCover codes regardless of their active status, click this field until the field is shaded. If you want to find only those WorkCover codes that are not currently active, click this field until it is cleared (no tick and no shading). |
3. | Click Search. A list of WorkCover codes that match your search criteria are listed on the screen. |
You can open any WorkCover code record that is listed on the WorkCover Code & Rate Maintenance screen after you perform a search for viewing and editing in the WorkCover Code Entry screen by clicking on the view/edit button next to the relevant WorkCover code record in the list.
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