FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Close a Pay Period for an Existing Pay Group
At the end of each pay period for a pay group, the pay period must be closed so that pay can be processed for the next pay period in the cycle. Closing a pay period has the following effects:
the status of the pay period changes from Open to Closed, thereby preventing any further normal pay batches being processed for the pay group for that pay period
the status of the next pay period in the pay period cycle for the pay group changes from Inactive to Open to allow normal pay batches to be processed for the next pay period.
UK Payroll - the system determines if payees' NI category should change due to their age at the next pay period and automatically insert a new validity period for the next pay period with the altered NI Category
There are two ways in which a pay period can be closed:
by choosing to close the corresponding pay period automatically when closing a pay batch for the pay group
by closing the pay period manually directly on the pay group record.
To close a pay period manually on the pay group record, follow the procedure below.
Once a pay period is closed it cannot be reopened and no more normal pay batches can be processed for that pay period. Therefore, take care when closing pay periods.
Close a Pay Period Manually
1. | If the relevant pay group record is not already open in the Pay Group screen, search for and open the relevant record. |
2. | Click Close. A message opens, prompting you to confirm deleting of the closing of the current pay period. For UK Payroll - a message opens, asking if an FPS has been generated for the period. If processing a contractor only pay group, this check can be skipped. An FPS must be generated prior to closing a pay group. | |
3. | To continue closing the pay period, click Yes. The message closes, the status of the current pay period changes from Open to Closed and the status of the next pay period in the cycle changes from Inactive to Open. | |
4. | Click Save. The pay group record is saved. |
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