How to Edit an Existing Pay Group

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Edit an Existing Pay Group

Once a pay group has been created, the following attributes of the pay group can be edited at any time:

  • the pay group name

  • the late timesheet warning configuration

  • the portal payslip release date configuration

  • UK Payroll - the contractor only configuration

Note that in addition to the abovementioned attributes that can be edited, the following can also be done on an existing pay group record:

  • the current pay period can be closed

  • an existing pay period can be deleted

  • additional pay periods can be added.

To edit an existing pay group record, follow the procedure below.


If the relevant pay group record is not already open in the Pay Group Entry screen, search for and open the relevant record.



Change the name of the pay group and/or the late timesheet warning configuration as required.



Click Save.

The pay group record is saved.

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