How to Search for Bulk Timesheets

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Search for Bulk Timesheets

To search for bulk timesheets, follow the procedure below. You can only search for and access bulk timesheets if you are a timesheet approver. 


At the top of the Time and Attendance workspace, click the Bulk Tab.

The Bulk Timesheets screen opens.


In the search header fields at the top of the Bulk Timesheet screen, key in or select as much information about the bulk timesheets you want to find as possible.


Country to which bulk timesheets belong. This defaults to the country to which you are assigned. You search for bulk timesheets belonging to another country by selecting the relevant country name in this field. Alternatively, select Any Country to search for bulk timesheets regardless of the country to which they belong.


Agency brand to which to which bulk timesheets belong. This defaults to Any Brand to allow you to search for bulk timesheets regardless of the agency brand that owns the timesheets. To search for timesheets that belong to a specific agency brand, select the agency brand name in this field.


Agency region to which bulk timesheets belong. This defaults to Any Region to allow you to search for bulk timesheets regardless of the agency region that owns the timesheets. To search from bulk timesheets that belong to a specific agency region, select the agency region name in this field.


Agency office to which bulk timesheet belong. This defaults to Any Office to allow you to search for bulk timesheet regardless of the agency office that owns the timesheets. To search for bulk timesheets that belong to a specific agency office, select the agency office name in this field.


Name of the parent company that owns the client who raised the job order to which timesheets belong. To find bulk timesheets by the name of the parent company, key in the relevant company name in this field. Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the parent company name. For example, %international will match parent company names such as FastTrack International while fasttrack% will match names such as FastTrack International and FastTrack Australia.

Cost Centre

Name of the client cost centre (site) to which bulk timesheets belong. To find bulk timesheets that belong to a specific client cost centre, key in the name of the cost centre in this field.

Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the cost centre name. For example, %office will match cost centre names such as Head Office and Melbourne Office while melbourne% will match cost centre names such as Melbourne Office and Melbourne Metropolitan. 

Client ID

Client number that uniquely identifies the client who owns the timesheet. To find bulk timesheets that belong to a specific client, key in the client number in this field. Alternatively, key in the name of the client in the Client Name field (for more information, see below). 

Client Name

Name of the client who owns the timesheet. To find bulk timesheets that belong to a specific client, key in the name of the client in this field. Alternatively, key in the client number in the Client ID field (for more information, see above). 

Job Order Code

Job order number that uniquely identifies the job order to which timesheets belong. To find bulk timesheets that belong to a specific job order, key in the job order number in this field. 

Job Position

Job position that applies to the timesheet. To find bulk timesheets for a specific job position, key in the job position name in this field.

Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the job position name. For example, %driver matches position names such as Truck Driver and Forklift Driver while truck% matches position names such as Truck Driver and Truck Mechanic. 

Job Type

Job code type that applies to the timesheet. To find bulk timesheet to which a specific job type code applies, key in the relevant job type code in this field.

Note: the job type code that applies to a timesheet is set in the Type field on the corresponding job order in Recruitment Manager. 

Candidate No.

Candidate number that uniquely identifies the candidate who owns a timesheet. To find bulk timesheets belonging to a specific candidate, key in the relevant candidate number in this field.

Note: a candidate can be linked to multiple payee records. For example, the candidate may work as a different payee for different pay companies owned by your business. Searching by the candidate number will return timesheets for all payees linked to the specified candidate unless you also key in a payee number in the Payee No. field (for more information, see below). 

Payee No.

Payee number that uniquely identifies the payee who owns a timesheet. To find bulk timesheets belonging to a specific payee, key in the relevant payee number in this field if you know it. Alternatively, you can key in the payee's name in the Payee First Name and Payee Surname fields respectively. 

Payee First Name

First name of the payee who owns a timesheet. To find bulk timesheets belonging to a specific payee, key in their first name in this field if you know it.

Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, %anne will match names such as Leanne and Keri Anne while le% will match names such as Leanne and Lenny. 

Payee Surname

Surname of the payee who owns a timesheet. To find bulk timesheets belonging to a specific payee, key in their surname in this field if you know it.

Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the surname. For example, %son matches surnames such as Adamson and Johnson while adam% matches Adamson and Adams.

Timesheet Status

Status of the timesheets to be found. This defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to find bulk timesheets regardless of their status. Alternatively, select one of the following options:

Available – returns bulk timesheets that have not been edited and saved by a timesheet approver and are yet to be approved.

Incomplete – returns bulk timesheets that have been edited and saved by a timesheet approver but are yet to be approved.

Week Ending Date From

Earliest week ending date of bulk timesheets that are to be returned by the search. Bulk timesheets with a week ending date that is earlier than the date selected in this field will not be returned. 

Week Ending Date To

Latest week ending date of bulk timesheets that are to be returned by the search. Bulk timesheets with a week ending date that is later than the date selected in this field will not be returned. 

Item Date From

Earliest timesheet item date. Bulk timesheets with timesheet items dated earlier than the date selected in this field will not be returned by the search. 

Item Date To

Latest timesheet item date. Bulk timesheets with timesheet items dated later than the date selected in this field will not be returned by the search. 

List Display

Determines which display mode will be used to display the search results list, which lists the bulk timesheets matching your search criteria.

The options available are as follows:

Header View – this is the default option and displays the list of bulk timesheets

Item View – displays each timesheet item on each timesheet. In this viewing mode you can edit, add and delete timesheet items without the need to open each timesheet in a separate Timesheet Entry screen.

Note: You cannot switch between the Header View and the Item View once you have searched for and returned a list of bulk timesheets. You must select the relevant viewing mode prior to invoking a search.

Is Workflow Participant?

If ticked, the search will return only those bulk timesheets for which you are the approver. If un-ticked, the search will return all bulk timesheets that meet your search criteria, regardless of whether you are the approver of those timesheets.


Click Search.

Bulk timesheets that meet your search criteria are listed in the search results list on the Bulk Timesheets screen.



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