FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Working with Bulk Timesheets
This section explains Bulk Timesheets and how you can access, edit and approve bulk timesheets if you are an agency timesheet approver.
Bulk timesheets can only be accessed by timesheet approvers and are useful in a high-volume environment.
As with regular timesheets, bulk timesheets can be prepopulated based on the job schedule of the job order to which they correspond so that no keying of time and attendance information is required except in situations where a payee has not worked the scheduled hours (i.e. the payee has worked overtime or was absent). However, in such situations a regular timesheet would need to be edited manually by the relevant timesheet initiator before being submitted for approval by an approver or approvers.
With bulk timesheets, the timesheet approver also acts as the timesheet initiator. This means that if a payee worked outside the job schedule or was absent for all or part of a shift, the timesheet approver can edit the relevant timesheet accordingly before approving it. Therefore, there is no need for payees to submit timesheets, which is useful if access to a computer or mobile device is not practical in their working environment.
Where a bulk timesheet needs to be edited, you can do so directly within the list of bulk timesheets on the Bulk Timesheet screen. This saves time in a high-volume environment as you do not need to open individual timesheets in a separate Timesheet Entry screen.
Bulk timesheets that correspond to payees that have worked within the corresponding job schedule can be simultaneously approved in bulk without any intervention from a separate timesheet initiator or other timesheet approvers.
Bulk timesheets are automatically created for all job order where the Bulk Timesheets flag is ticked on the timesheet workflow that applies to the job orders.
Once approved, a bulk timesheet can be accessed via the Historical Timesheets List just like regular timesheets.
Using the Bulk Timesheets Screen
If you are a timesheet approver, you can access timesheets that are subject to a bulk timesheet workflow via the Bulk Timesheets screen. To access the Bulk Timesheets screen, click the Bulk tab at the top of the Time and Attendance workspace as shown in the example below.
The Bulk Timesheets screen consists of a search header that allows you to specify search criteria for finding and listing bulk timesheets and a search results list that lists bulk timesheets that meet the search criteria you specify.
The search results list can be viewed in two viewing modes as follows:
Header View – displays information that identifies each listed bulk timesheet but does not display the attendance/absence items that exist on each timesheet. For more information about the information displayed about each bulk timesheet in this viewing mode, see Viewing Bulk Timesheets in Header View.
Item View – displays the attendance/absence items that exist on each bulk timesheet and allows the attendance/absence items to be edited. For more information about the Item View mode, see Viewing Bulk Timesheets in Item View.
From the Bulk Timesheets screen you can do the following:
Search for and list timesheets that are subject to a bulk timesheet workflow
Approve timesheets
Edit timesheets directly via the Bulk Timesheets screen
Open timesheets for viewing or editing in the Timesheet Entry screen
Print summary information about a timesheet
Print detailed information about a timesheet.