Adding a Preference or Exclusion

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Adding a Preference or Exclusion

Adding a Preference or Exclusion from a Candidate Record


Open the Candidate Record in Recruitment Manager.

The Candidate Record screen is displayed.


Navigate to the Preferences and Exclusions list.

The Preferences and Exclusions list is displayed.

Note: If you can't see the Preferences and Exclusions list, your System Administrator will need to add this item to your security profile.


Select Add.

The Add Preference/Exclusion screen is displayed.


Click the Preference/Exclusion drop down list, select whether the item is a Preference or an Exclusion.



Click the Preference/Exclusion Type drop down list, select the Type.

For example, was the request evoked from the Client, Candidate or the Agency.


Click the Apply to Entity Type drop down list, select the Type.

For example, is the Preference/Exclusion at the Parent or Client level, or is it at a Cost Centre level.

Where the Apply to Entity Type Parent, Client or Cost Centre a new field is displayed to assign the entity.

Note: Where an Exception is added, an Apply to Entity Type of 'Global' is available if you need to exclude the Candidate from all placements.


Where Apply to Entity Type Parent, Client or Cost Centre, select the Lookup action and assign the entity required.


Click the Reason Code list and select the appropriate Reason Code.



Click in the Comment field and add in a comment.



Click Save.

The Preference/Exclusion item is saved.

Adding a Preference or Exclusion from a Parent Client Cost Centre Record


Open the Client or Cost Centre record in Recruitment Manager.

The Client / Cost Centre Record screen is displayed.


Navigate to the Job List section.

The Job list is displayed.


Filter the list to find the Job that evoked the Preference / Exclusion request.


Click on the Actions drop down menu and select Prefer/Exclude. Note: This action is only available to Jobs where the Status is 'Filled'.

The Add Preference/Exclusion screen is displayed.


Click the Preference/Exclusion drop down list, select whether the item is a Preference or an Exclusion.



Click the Preference/Exclusion Type drop down list, select the Type.

For example, was the request made by the Client, Candidate or the Agency.


Click the Apply to Entity Type drop down list, select the Type.

For example, is the Preference/Exclusion at the Parent or Client level, or is it at a Cost Centre level.

Where the Apply to Entity Type Parent, Client or Cost Centre a new field is displayed to assign the entity.

Note: Where adding an item from the Client or Cost Centre's Job List, the Type will default to 'Client' or 'Cost Centre' and the entity is the Client or Cost Centre Record.

You can change to another level within the organisation if required ie; Parent.

Note: You cannot apply a Preference from the Parent level. This is due to the fact that exclusions at any level below will always take precedence over preferences at a parent level.


Where Apply to Entity Type Parent, Client or Cost Centre, select the Lookup action and assign the entity required.


Click the Reason Code list and select the appropriate Reason Code.



Click in the Comment field and add in a comment.



Click Save.

The Preference/Exclusion item is saved.


