Search Jobs with Templates and Linked Rates

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Search Jobs with Templates and Linked Rates

To assist Agencies to find jobs that are utilising Job Templates, new search criterion have been added to the Search Job screen. Users can find jobs that have been created via a Job Template, by Template Hierarchy, or even a Job Template's name.

Criterion have also been added to allow an Agency to find Jobs where rates are still linked (Standard Rates where informed from Job Template, and Agreement Rates where informed by the Job Template or the Agreement in the Rates & Rules Module), or rates that are no longer linked (residing at the Job Order level). For example, where an Agreement has been updated, you may need to find jobs with rates that are no longer linked to the Agreement, so they can be manually updated.

Find Jobs Created using a Job Template

To find jobs that have been created using a Job Template, a few different criteria can be used. Navigate to Recruitment Manager > Jobs > Job Order, and select the Secondary Tab.

You can search by 'Template Name', 'Template Hierarchy' or 'Created from Template' - Yes, No or Any.

Find Jobs Linked / No longer Linked to Rates

To find jobs where the rates are linked / no longer linked, navigate to Recruitment Manager > Jobs > Job Order, and select the Secondary Tab.

In 'Rate Linked' you can find jobs where the rate is still linked or no longer linked.

  • Yes - will return jobs where the rate is being informed from either the Job Template (Standard Rates) or the Agreement (Agreement Rates).

  • No - will return jobs where there is one or more rate sets that are residing at the Job Order level.

  • Any - this is the default and where applied, the search will not consider rates.

Search Result List - Manage Layout

To assist with finding jobs where rates and job templates have been utilised, there are a number of fields that can be added to your search result list, including:

  • Rate Type

  • Pay Agreement

  • Bill Agreement

  • Rate Linked
    Cond. Variable Pay

  • Cond. Variable Bill

  • Template Name

  • Template Hierarchy


