FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
General Settings
The General Items maintenance item is accessed from the Recruitment Manager > Maintenance sub menu.
'Default Wild Card Search' setting - please be aware there is a known defect with this issue where the system is only pre-pending the wild card to some text fields - not appending as well. You will need to manually enter the wildcard % if the results are not what is expected. We will fix this in a future release.
The table below describes each setting and its impact:
Section | Sub-Section | Item | Field Type | Mandatory | Description | Impacts |
General Settings | Company name | Alphanumeric | Yes | The name of your agency is entered in this field | Maintenance > Hierarchy. The name entered here is displayed at the header of the top of your hierarchy structure | |
Mandatory Settings | Client Credit Check Mandatory before Client Active | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Client record, the Status cannot be changed to 'Active' unless Pay/Bill > Due Diligence 'Credit Check' has been ticked. | Client record | |
Client Terms and Conditions Mandatory on Job Create | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, a Job Order cannot be created for a Client unless Pay/Bill > Due Diligence 'Terms and Conditions' has been ticked. | Job Order creation | ||
Cost Centre Credit Check Mandatory before Cost Centre Active | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Cost Centre record, the Status cannot be changed to 'Active' unless Due Diligence 'Credit Checked' has been ticked. | Cost Centre record | ||
Cost Centre Terms and Conditions Mandatory on Job Create | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, a Job Order cannot be created for a Client unless Pay/Bill > Due Diligence 'Terms and Conditions' has been ticked. | Job Order creation with the Cost Centre assigned | ||
Job Cancel Status Reason Mandatory | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, if the Job's Status is changed to 'Cancelled', a Status Reason must be selected. | Job Order status change to 'Cancelled' | ||
Standard Description Mandatory | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, when creating a Comment, the 'Standard Description' must be selected. | Creation of Comments | ||
System Settings | Lock System Access | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, users will be prevented from logging into FastTrack360. Users with permission to 'Allow Access when System is Locked' will still be able to log into the system. | Login | |
Message | Alphanumeric | Conditional | Where 'Lock System Access is ticked' the message entered in this field must be completed so there is a message to display to users attempting to log into FastTrack360 | Login | ||
Upload File Size Limit | Numeric | No | Enter the megabyte limit for attachments. Note: Where large files can be attached, this will impact Data Storage costs. | Attachments to Document Manager (Primary Records), Resume and Client Resume (Candidate Record); Emails & Email Templates; Candidate / Client Portal; Timesheets; Payee; Manual Invoice Attachments | ||
Default Wild Card Search | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the search screens the system will assume there is a wildcard prepended and appended to any text entered in search fields. Please be aware there is a known defect with this issue where the system is only pre-pending the wild card to some text fields - not appending as well. You will need to manually enter the wildcard % if the results are not what is expected. We will fix this in a future release. | Search screens text fields | ||
API Upload Batch File Size Limit | Numeric | No | This item relates to consumers of the FastTrack360 attachment APIs. The value displayed is the maximum through put limit for an attachment batch. Please be aware that individual attachments must also not exceed the setting in 'Upload File Size Limit'. For further details, click here to open the API Developer Portal. | FastTrack360 Attachment APIs | ||
Support Contact | Support Contact Name | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the name of your FastTrack System Administrator | Help > Help Desk > Support Contact | |
Support Number | Numeric | No | Enter the number that users will use within your organisation where there are system issues | Help > Help Desk > Support Contact | ||
Support Email | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the email of the above support contact | Help > Help Desk > Support Contact | ||
Support URL | Alphanumeric | No | Enter in the URL where there is a support page that your users need to access | Help > Help Desk > Support Contact | ||
Queued Jobs | Display completed jobs in Process Queue (Days) | Numeric | Yes | Enter in the number of days completed jobs display in the process queue | Dashboard > Queued Jobs | |
Display failed jobs in Process Queue (Days) | Numeric | Yes | Enter in the number of days failed jobs display in the process queue | Dashboard > Queued Jobs | ||
General Settings | Default Job Office Code and Job Owner | Radio | Yes | Default Job Office and Job Owner from Client Record - where true, when a job is created the Office and Owner of the job is defaulted from the Client Record's Office and Client Record's Client Owner. Default Job Office and Job Owner to logged in Agency User - where true, when a job is created, the user creating the job is defaulted as the Job Owner and the user's Office is defaulted as the Job's Office. | Job Order | |
Candidate Pref Avail Date Update | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, if a Candidate that is filled to one or many Job does not have a Diary assigned, the Candidate's 'Available Date' is updated with the Job 'End Date' of the job that has the latest end date. | Candidate 'Available Date' | ||
Perm Placement Protection Period | Numeric | No | Where this value is entered, Candidate Records with a Diary assigned, when filled to a Perm Job, will have the diary blocked out from the job's 'Start Date' plus the number of days defined in 'Perm Placement Protection Period'. | Candidate Diary | ||
Maximum Items to Save in History | Numeric | Yes | Defines the number of Recent Items (recent primary records that have been viewed by the logged in user) displayed in the Favourites feature. | Favourites (top toolbar) > Recent Items tab | ||
Referral Workflow Default Resume | Radio | Yes | Candidate Primary Resume - where true, defines that the Candidate Primary Resume is applied when running any of the resume related features within the referral workflow Client Primary Resume - where true, defines that the Client Primary Resume is applied when running any of the resume related features within the referral workflow | Referral Workflow resume related features: Email Stage Resumes; Download Resume; Email Resume | ||
Change Filled By / Job Owner Post Submit TS | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, if a job is submitted to timesheet, a user can change the Job's Filled By user and the Job Owner. Where this item is not ticked, these fields are locked for editing once the job has been submitted to timesheet | Job Order | ||
Default Referral Workflow Stages | Radio | Yes | Expanded - where true, on load of the Referral Workflow, the referral value list (referred Candidates) assigned to each stage, display. Minimised - where true, on load of the Referral Workflow, the referral value list (referred Candidates) assigned to each stage is collapsed. | Referral Workflow | ||
Email / SMS Suppress Add Comment | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Email / SMS screen, the 'Add Comment' feature is displayed. Where not ticked, this feature is not available. | Email / SMS screens | ||
 |  | Referral Workflow Automation Observe Opt Out | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, Referral Workflows with automation events will observe if a Candidate respondent has opted out, so these individuals will not receive the automated communication. | Referral Workflow |
Default Primary Resume Load | Radio | Yes | Expanded - where true, on load of the Candidate Record, the Candidate's Primary Resume is loaded by default in the Primary Resume Preview section Minimised - where true, on load of the Candidate Record, the Candidate's Primary Resume is not loaded by default in the Primary Resume Preview section | Candidate Record > Primary Resume Preview section | ||
Close Jobs where Status Is | List | No | Determines the Status that is observed by the system when closing jobs based on the 'Days After Job's End Date' setting. | Job Order 'Status' | ||
Days After Job's End Date | Numeric | Conditional | Where 'Close Jobs where Status is' has a status selected, enter in the number of days after a Job's End Date to trigger the status change to 'Closed'. | Job Order 'Status' | ||
Display Rate Rules on assignment of Agreement | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, when Assigning or changing an Agreement on a Job, on click of the Agreement, a section displays showing a list of the Agreements Rate Rules | Job Orders with Agreements, Assign Agreements workflow | ||
 |  | Default Job Rate List Load | Radio | Yes | Expanded (All) - where true when a job is opened, the rate full rate list loads. Expanded (Limited) - where true, an additional mandatory item ‘No. of Rates displayed’ appears and you need to enter in the number of rate rows within the list to display. Minimised - where true, on open of a job, the rate list is minimised, so a user will need to manually open the list to see the contents. | Job Orders with Rates assigned |
Email Settings | Disable Ability to E-Mail Resume | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, users are unable to use the 'Email' action in the Candidate's Resume list | Candidate > Resume > Email | |
Candidate Default Bulk Email Address | List | Yes | When running Bulk Email, this setting determines if the Candidate recipient's Email 1 or Email 2 address is defaulted. | Bulk Email to Candidates | ||
Contact Default Bulk Email Address | List | Yes | When running Bulk Email, this setting determines if the Client Contact recipient's Email 1 or Email 2 address is defaulted. | Bulk Email to Contacts | ||
Pay/Bill Settings | Timesheet Details | Timesheet Frequency Default | List | Yes | The item selected defaults when new Client records are created. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Timesheet Details |
Split Timesheet at End of Calendar Month | Checkbox | No | The item selected defaults when new Client records are created. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Split Timesheet at End of Calendar Month | ||
Timesheet Week End Day | List | Yes | The item selected defaults when new Client records are created. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Week End Day | ||
Bi-Monthly Timesheet Period | List | No | Where timesheet period needs to default to bi-monthly in new Client records, in conjunction with 'Timesheet Frequency Default' of 'Bi-Monthly' a list of settings for each relevant country can be established | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > where Timesheet frequency default is 'Bi-Monthly', establishes the default for the Job's Country | ||
Period 1 Start Day | List | Conditional | Where the 'Timesheet Frequency Default' is 'Bi-Monthly', the start day of the first bi-monthly period must be entered | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > where Timesheet frequency default is 'Bi-Monthly', establishes the bi-monthly start date | ||
Period 2 Start Day | List | Conditional | Where the 'Timesheet Frequency Default' is 'Bi-Monthly', the start day of the second bi-monthly period must be entered | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > where Timesheet frequency default is 'Bi-Monthly', establishes the bi-monthly start date | ||
Timesheet Code Duplicate Check | List | No | None - where selected, the 'Timesheet Code Duplicate Check' checkbox is not defaulted as ticked in the Client or Job record. Client - where selected, the 'Timesheet Code Duplicate Check' checkbox is defaulted as ticked in the Client record. Job Order - where selected, the 'Timesheet Code Duplicate Check' checkbox is defaulted as ticked in the Job Order record. | Depending on the option selected may impact the 'Timesheet Code Duplicate Check' item in the Client or Job Order or not at all. | ||
Timesheet Code Required | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Client Record’s ‘Pay / Bill’ section ‘Timesheet Code Required’ defaults to ticked. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Timesheet Code Required | ||
Project Code is Mandatory | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Client Record’s ‘Pay / Bill’ section ‘Project Code is Mandatory’ defaults to ticked. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Project Code is Mandatory | ||
Display Codes as Pick List | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, in the Client Record’s ‘Project Codes’ section ‘Display Codes as Pick List’ defaults to ticked. | New Client Record > Pay Bill Section > Display Codes as Pick List | ||
Timesheet Approval Terms & Conditions | Alphanumeric | No | Where text is entered, in the Job’s TS Workflow, a checkbox ‘Display Terms & Conditions’ is displayed. Where this checkbox is ticked, the text in this field is displayed in the related timesheets, along with the URL below. | Job Order > Timesheet Workflow > Timesheets | ||
Timesheet Approval Terms & Conditions URL | Alphanumeric | No | Enter in the URL for terms and conditions where this feature is required for timesheets. | Job Order > Timesheet Workflow > Timesheets | ||
Pattern Details | Pattern Start Day | List | Yes | Select the week start day for all patterns | Maintenance > Patterns Job Order > Job Schedule / Client Schedule | |
Pattern Type Available | Checkbox | No | Where 'No of Days' is ticked, this option is available when selecting 'Pattern Type' Where 'No of Weeks' is ticked, this option is available when selecting 'Pattern Type' | Maintenance > Patterns Job Order > Job Schedule / Client Schedule | ||
 | Client Schedule on Job Order | Select if Pattern Function also needs to be utilised in Temp / Contract Job Record. | Checkbox | No | Where true, an additional section displays on a Temp / Contract Job where a separate schedule / pattern can be completed. This is utilised where an internal schedule needs to be compared to the clients work pattern. |  |
Privacy | Candidates | Checkboxes | No | The checkboxes ticked will default to ticked on creation of a new Candidate record | Candidate > Privacy Section | |
Contacts | Checkboxes | No | The checkboxes ticked will default to ticked on creation of a new Client Contact record | Client Contact > Privacy Section | ||
Privacy URL | Alphanumeric | No | Where entered displays as an active link in the Candidate Portal | Candidate Portal > Privacy Section 'Privacy Statement' | ||
Candidate Search | Default Field | Radio | Yes | First Name - when a user opens Search Candidate, the cursor displays in the First Name field Surname - when a user opens Search Candidate, the cursor displays in the Surname field | Search Candidate | |
Default Status | List | Yes | The item selected from the list, nominates the default search criterion for the 'Status' field | Search Candidate | ||
Client Search | Default Status | List | Yes | The item selected from the list, nominates the default search criterion for the 'Status' field | Search Client | |
Job Search | Job Candidate Search Filters | List | No | Search Job Office - the ‘Office’ search criterion is defaulted to the Job Order’s ‘Office’. Search Schedule - the Job’s Shift Pattern (Job Schedule) is replicated to the Search Available Candidate 'Pattern' tab. Search Visa Expiry - the Job Order’s ‘End Date’, plus one day is inserted into the ‘From’ field of the Visa Expiry Date range in the 'Range' tab, so that visa Candidates will only be in the search result where their expiry date is later than the Job's End Date. | Search Available Candidate | |
Full Text Search Settings | Language | Not editable | Yes | Defaulted to 'English'. This is not an editable setting | All search screens | |
Prevent Job from being Filled when | Cost Centre Mandatory on Job Fill | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, if a Job's Status is changed to 'Filled', the system will allow the placement if a Cost Centre is assigned | Job Order | |
Candidate Status is | List | No | Where status items are selected, if a Job's Status is changed to 'Filled', the system will allow the placement if the filled Candidate's Status is NOT any of the selected Status items. | Job Order | ||
Minimum Work References at Satisfactory | Numeric | No | Where a value is entered, if a Job's Status is changed to 'Filled', the system will allow the placement if the filled Candidate's number of Work References with an Outcome of 'Satisfactory' matches, or is greater then the nominated value. | Job Order | ||
Valid Visa Mandatory on Job Fill | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, if a Job's Status is changed to 'Filled', the system will allow the placement if the filled Candidate's visa is valid for the duration of the job. | Job Order | ||
Resume Parsing | New Candidate - Import the Following Information | Contact Information | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the Candidate's contact information in the resume is imported to the candidate record's contact fields ie; phone number, email and address | New Candidate contact fields, where created via job application |
Work History | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the work history items in the resume are imported as new records in the candidate record's work history section | New Candidate Work History Section, where created via application | ||
Skills | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the skills in the resume where they match to skills in Maintenance > Keyword Library will be imported into the candidate record's skills section | New Candidate Skills Section, where created via job application | ||
Existing Candidate - Import the Following Information | Contact Information | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the Candidate's contact information in the resume is updated to the candidate record's contact fields ie; phone number, email and address | Existing Candidate contact fields, where updated via job application | |
Work History | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the work history items in the resume are updated to the candidate record's work history section | Existing Candidate Work History section, where updated via job application | ||
Skills | Checkbox | No | Where ticked, the skills in the resume where they match to skills in Maintenance > Keyword Library will be imported into the candidate record's skills section | Existing Candidate Skills Section, where updated via job application | ||
Skill Options | Radio | Yes | Import Skills Associated with Job's Skill Group - where selected the system imports the skills in the resume that only match to the Job's Skill Group Import Skills Associated with Entire Keyword Library - where selected the system imports the skills that match to any items in the Keyword Library Note: this item works in conjunction with the settings above for 'Skills' where true. | Candidate Skills Section, where created / updated via job application | ||
Labels | Candidate Email 1 Label | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the default 'Email 1' label | Candidate Record | |
Candidate Email 2 Label | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the default 'Email 2' label | Candidate Record | ||
Contact Email 1 Label | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the default 'Email 1' label | Contact Record | ||
Contact Email 2 Label | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the default 'Email 2' label | Contact Record | ||
Candidate Avail Type | Label 1 | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the Candidate 'Avail 1' label | Candidate Record | |
Label 2 | Alphanumeric | Yes | The text entered here replaces the Candidate 'Avail 2' label | Candidate Record | ||
Outlook Extensions | Add Candidate | Default Candidate Status | List | Yes | The status selected here is defaulted on new Candidate Records | Outlook Extensions - Add Candidate |
Default Candidate Source | List | No | The 'Source Code' item selected here is applied to new Candidate Records | Outlook Extensions - Add Candidate | ||
Default Candidate Grade | Numeric | No | The number entered here is applied to the 'Grade' field in new Candidate Records | Outlook Extensions - Add Candidate | ||
Accepted Attachment Files | List | No | On creation of a new Candidate Record, the file types selected here, where attached to the Outlook email, will be attached to the Document Manager in the Candidate Record. Note: Some file types support large files, for example movie files like mpg; wmv; mov, Where you include these file times, this may impact data storage costs. | Outlook Extensions - Add Candidate | ||
Comms Integration | Include Attachments | Checkbox | No | Where a user has ticked Comms Integration 'Enable sync' in their Outlook Extensions settings ticked and / or they manually select the 'Add to Comms' item in the Outlook FastTrack menu - e-mails where the address matches to a Candidate or Contact record, are synced to FastTrack360, and all email attachments will be included in the matching record's Communications History. Note: This setting will impact data storage costs. | Candidate / Contact > Communication History | |
Accepted Attachment Files | List | No | Where 'Include Attachments' above is ticked, the file types selected here will be synced to the matching record's Communication History. Note: Some file types support large files, for example movie files like mpg; wmv; mov, Where you include these file times, this may impact data storage costs. | Candidate / Contact > Communication History | ||
Interval Settings | Task and Reminders | Numeric | Yes | Where a user has ticked 'Allow Sync' in their Outlook Extensions settings, the value entered here (time interval in minutes) is observed between each poll. | FastTrack Activities flagged as 'Sync to Outlook' / Outlook Tasks & Appointments | |
Folder Scanning | Numeric | Yes | Where a user has ticked Comms Integration 'Enable sync' in their Outlook Extensions setting, the value entered here (time interval in minutes) is observed between each poll. | Candidate / Contact > Communications History | ||
Candidate Duplicate Check | Duplicate Check Criteria | First Name | List | Yes | Select what element of the Candidate’s First Name will be checked to determine if there is a duplicate. Options include: All letters (default); first letter; first two letters; first three letters. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Surname | List | Yes | Select what element of the Candidate’s Surname will be checked to determine if there is a duplicate. Options include: All letters (default); first letter; first two letters. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check Email | Checkbox | Conditional | Selected by default. Checks for existing records with same email address to determine if there is a duplicate. Mandatory to have either Email or Phone number selected. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check Mobile Phone | Checkbox | Conditional | Selected by default. Checks for existing records with the same mobile phone to determine if there is a duplicate. Mandatory to have either Email or Phone number selected. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check Suburb | Checkbox | No | Checks for existing records with the same Suburb to determine if there is a duplicate. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check City | Checkbox | No | Checks for existing records with the same City to determine if there is a duplicate. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check State / Region | Checkbox | No | Checks for existing records with the same State / Region to determine if there is a duplicate. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 |  | Check Country | Checkbox | No | Checks for existing records with the same Country to determine if there is a duplicate. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
 | Duplicate Settings |  | Radio | Yes | Create New Always - When selected, a new candidate record will be created even if the candidate is deemed to be a duplicate. | Candidate Record creation / update. See note below for details on check process. |
Candidate Duplicate Check Settings
Once configured, the settings you have applied work as an AND query, so it will look for all factors being the same to determine if it is a duplicate - for example if you have configured to check the names 'all letters', 'email address' and 'mobile telephone number', then if the Candidate, registering / applying for a job or being added via Outlook Extensions has exactly the same firstname + surname AND email address AND mobile telephone number as an existing Candidate record, they are considered a duplicate.
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