Add or Update a Candidate

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Add or Update a Candidate

To create / update a Candidate record from an email in Microsoft Outlook:


Open Microsoft Outlook and select the email required.



Navigate to the Outlook Extensions Toolbar and select Add Candidate.

Alternatively, right mouse click and from the menu displayed select FastTrack, then Add/Update Candidate.

If the email is already open, select Add/Update Candidate from the Email Menu toolbar.

The 'View Candidate' workflow is displayed.


Change editable items in the View Candidate workflow if required. Select Proceed.

A message displays where the candidate has been successfully added to Recruitment Manager, including the Candidate's Record Number.

Where duplicate records have been found the 'View Duplicate' workflow is displayed.


Where there are duplicates, to update the resume to an existing Candidate record, select the Candidate from the duplicate list and click on Update Candidate.

A message is displayed where the candidate's information has been successfully updated to Recruitment Manager.


Where there are duplicates found, to proceed to create a new Candidate, select A dd as New Candidate.

A message is displayed where the candidate has been successfully added or updated to Recruitment Manager.


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