FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Superannuation Accrual Report (AU Only)
A new report called Superannuation Accrual is available from this release on, under Agency Portal > Pay Australia > Report > Pay Reports to allow reporting on payees' superannuation accruals.
The report itemises payees' employer and payee superannuation contributions for the period that you choose to report on.
An example of the Superannuation Accrual report is shown below.
The report can be filtered by the following criteria:
pay period end date from and to
payment date from and to
pay batch number from and to
pay batch type (normal, adjustment, both)
pay company
employment type
pay group
payee first name and surname
payee number
candidate number
tax type (PAYG, Company, Any).
The table below lists and describes the information that is shown on the report for each payee that is included.
Column | Description |
Payment Date | Displays the payment date of the pay batch in which the payee accrued superannuation or had a superannuation deduction deducted from earnings. |
Employer Contribution | Displays Yes if the listed superannuation transaction is an employer contribution (i.e. superannuation guarantee, award, employer additional). Displays No if the listed superannuation transaction is a salary sacrifice contribution or a contribution from the payee’s net earnings. |
Fund Name | Displays the name of the superannuation fund to which the listed transaction corresponds. |
Policy Number | Displays the payee’s fund membership number for the fund identified in the Fund Name column. |
Rate Rule | Displays the name of the contribution rate rule that was used to affect the listed transaction. This is blank if the listed transaction resulted from a superannuation deduction from gross or net earnings. |
Job Order | Displays the job order number to which the listed transaction corresponds. This is blank if the listed transaction resulted from an accrual on pay items that are not job-related, such as manual pay items, leave items that originated from a leave request or from a superannuation deduction from gross or net earnings. |
Contribution Type | Displays the type of employer contribution that the listed transaction represents. This can be one of the following:
This is blank if the listed transaction resulted from a superannuation deduction from gross or net earnings. |
Agreement Name | If the listed transaction has a contribution type of Award, this column displays the name of the pay agreement to which the transaction corresponds. For all other contribution types, this column is blank. |
Contribution Basis | Displays the type of contribution basis that applies to the contribution rate rule or payee super deduction to which the listed transaction is linked. This can be one of the following:
Contribution Basis Applied | If the contribution basis for the listed transaction is Greatest Amount, this column displays the actual contribution type that was applied based on whichever contribution basis produced the greatest accrual amount (Percentage or Fixed). This is blank if the contribution basis for the transaction was not Greatest Amount. |
Fixed Period | If the listed transaction is an employer superannuation transaction and the contribution basis or contribution basis actually applied is Fixed, this column displays the type of period to which the fixed accrual applies. This can be one of the following:
This is blank if the listed transaction did not accrue a fixed amount or if the transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction. |
Rate Value | Displays the percentage or fixed accrual value for the listed transaction. For example, if the contribution basis is Percentage, a value of 9.5 indicates that the accrual was at a rate of 9.5% of superable earnings. If the contribution basis or contribution basis applied was Fixed, a value of 100.00 indicates a fixed accrual of $100.00. |
Gross Earnings | Displays the gross earnings amount that the payee earned, thereby triggering the listed transaction. For example, if the transaction is linked to a job order, this column displays the gross earnings for that job order. If the transaction is linked to a manual pay item, this column displays the gross earnings for the manual pay item. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction. |
Superable Earnings | Displays the portion of the gross earnings amount on which superannuation is calculated. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction or a fixed accrual. |
Superable Earnings Pay Code Group | Displays the name of the pay code group that defines the superable earnings for the listed transaction. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction or a fixed accrual. |
Pay Code Group Validity Period | Displays the validity start and end dates of the pay codes group that defines the superable earnings for the listed transaction. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction or a fixed accrual. |
Calculated On | If the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction where the contribution basis is a percentage, this column displays Gross or Net to identify if the contribution percentage is based on gross or net earnings. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to an employer contribution or a payee super deduction that has a fixed contribution amount. |
Reduces Superable Earnings? | If the listed transaction corresponds to a payee super deduction, this column displays one of the following: Yes – indicates that the deduction reduces the payee’s superable earnings and therefore the payee’s employer contributions are calculated on the reduced amount after the deduction has been deducted from the payee’s earnings. No – indicates that the deduction does not reduce the payee’s superable earnings and therefore the payee’s employer contributions are calculated before the deduction is taken from the payee’s earnings. This is blank if the listed transaction corresponds to an employer contribution. |
Contribution Amount | Displays the amount of superannuation the payee accrued because of the listed transaction. Alternatively, if the payee’s contributions have reached or exceeded the quarterly superannuation cap, this column displays Quarterly Contribution Cap Reached to indicate that the cap has been reached and therefore no contribution was accrued. |
For each payee, the report also shows the following:
Total employer contributions
Total payee contributions (i.e. from payee super deductions)
Total overall contributions for the payee.
Due to the type and volume of data that the Superannuation Accruals report needs to display, new fields have been added to the database to store some of the data that is output on the report. Therefore, the report will not support reporting on historical superannuation transactions that occur prior to upgrading to v11.37 and will only display accurate data for transactions that occur after the upgrade.
This enhancement provides greater clarity as to how payees' superannuation was accrued and therefore this report will help payroll staff to field superannuation-related queries from payees.
For example, if a payee believes that they have accrued less superannuation than what they are entitled based on their earnings for a period, payroll staff can use this report to check how much of the payee's earnings for the period were superable and therefore whether the payee was eligible to accrue superannuation on all the earnings or only on a subset of the earnings.
This enhancement also compliments changes that have been made to how superannuation accruals are reported on payslips and the ability to generate an Employer Superannuation Supplement document along with payslips to give payees a better understanding of their superannuation accruals.
For more information, see Employer Superannuation Supplement Document Format_AU Only and Payslip Superannuation Enhancements.
No configuration required.
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