FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Job - Display of Rate Rule Information on Assignment of Agreement Rates
Where assigning Agreement Rates to a Job Order or Job Template in this release, you can now determine if you wish to see a new section labelled Rate Rules, which will display below any conditional variables.
The Rate Rules section displays the following information about each pay rate or bill rate rule that belongs to the agreement that is selected in the list of agreements in the top part of the Assign Agreement screen:
name of the rate rule
agreement hierarchy type at which rate rule exists on the agreement (e.g. Employment Type)
agreement hierarchy value to which the rate rule applies (e.g. Blue Collar)validity
start and end dates of the rate rule.
This enhancement provides agency front office staff visibility of the rates that belong to a pay or bill agreement and therefore helps ensure that they assign the correct agreement, with the correct set of rates, to a job order.
To switch on display of the Rate Rules section, go to Maintenance > General Items > General Settings and tick 'Display Rate Rules on assignment of Agreement'.
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